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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-HP  UW1M UR 2011 1,331,652 1,843 249 25.0  UR5MW
SO-MIX-HP  UW5Q UR 2011 959,500 1,164 250 23.0  UR3QCW
SO-MIX-HP  UZ0U UR 2011 786,352 1,083 238 20.0  UY5ZZ
SO-MIX-HP  UT7EZ UR 2011 52,598 166 91 5.0 
SO-MIX-HP  UT6EE UR 2011 23,940 119 70 7.0 
SO-MIX-HP  UR4IOR UR 2011 20,700 109 50 5.0 
SO-MIX-HP  UY8IO UR 2011 12,446 68 49 7.0 
SO-MIX-HP  UU9JH UR 2011 11,832 102 29 4.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.