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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  LZ5R LZ 2012 76,912 249 88 18.0  LZ1UK LZ1YQ LZ4UU
MSHP  LZ9W LZ 2012 61,500 213 82 15.0  LZ1FG LZ1ZD LZ2HQ LZ3FM
MSHP  LZ2DF LZ 2012 57,996 217 81 15.0 
MSHP  LZ2JR LZ 2012 53,724 218 74 13.0  LZ2JR LZ2RS
MSHP  LZ6K LZ 2012 33,152 150 56 14.0 
MSHP  LZ2HM LZ 2012 30,996 174 54 8.0 
MSHP  LZ3FN LZ 2012 6,240 62 26 3.0 
MSHP  LZ6C LZ 2012 684 21 9 2.0  LZ1ZF LZ2UW

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.