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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-LP  WA8ZBT NTX 2020 115,200 457 72 17.8  DFW Contest Group
SO-MIX-LP  NT5V NTX 2020 16,740 137 45 4.6 
SO-MIX-LP  W5CUB NTX 2020 14,904 97 46 8.6  DFW Contest Group
SO-MIX-LP  N5HD NTX 2020 13,692 100 42 5.6 
SO-MIX-LP  KM5K NTX 2020 9,280 92 40 7.1  DFW Contest Group
SO-MIX-LP  W8OV NTX 2020 8,792 81 28 4.7  DFW Contest Group
SO-MIX-LP  AE5P NTX 2020 6,716 74 23 3.6 
SO-MIX-LP  KG5IEE NTX 2020 6,156 66 27 4.4 
SO-MIX-LP  KE4SGS NTX 2020 1,672 39 22 2.5 
10  SO-MIX-LP  K5RXQ NTX 2020 304 19 8 1.4  Rockwall ARC
11  SO-MIX-LP  AA5AH NTX 2020 286 17 11 1.0 
12  SO-MIX-LP  W5WDY NTX 2020 260 19 10 2.8  Rockwall ARC
13  SO-MIX-LP  N5HYP NTX 2020 60 6 6 0.3 
14  SO-MIX-LP  K5ELF NTX 2020 30 5 3 0.4 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.