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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  WX3B MDC 2012 798,720 1,485 192 29.0  K3AJ N8IVN WA3AER WX3B Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  N3RR MDC 2012 545,820 1,034 165 27.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  KE3X MDC 2012 228,872 573 122 20.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  K3YDX MDC 2012 162,630 498 117 12.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  W6AAN MDC 2012 126,854 422 119 9.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  W3LL MDC 2012 73,200 494 75 17.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  K3OQ MDC 2012 52,688 237 74 13.0  K3OQ W3RFC WA3OFF Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  N3OC MDC 2012 52,390 216 65 5.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  W3OU MDC 2012 48,438 178 81 6.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
10  MSHP  K3AU MDC 2012 6,534 64 27 1.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
11  MSHP  NA3M MDC 2012 5,828 47 31 2.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
12  MSHP  N3YIM MDC 2012 5,280 66 40 4.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
13  MSHP  K3QX MDC 2012 4,898 85 31 5.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
14  MSHP  WB2ZAB MDC 2012 4,140 81 23 1.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
15  MSHP  NN3RP MDC 2012 3,128 49 17 1.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
16  MSHP  N3XL MDC 2012 574 22 7 2.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.