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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  RZ4FWW UA 2012 71,832 297 73 13.0  RK4FL
MSHP  RZ3BW UA 2012 43,320 193 57 12.0 
MSHP  RT7D UA 2012 39,312 224 63 12.0  R6CD RA6DE
MSHP  RC7A UA 2012 18,620 137 35 7.0 
MSHP  RG3K UA 2012 17,200 112 43 9.0  RG3K RL3Q RN3QIS RX3QP
MSHP  RN3QO UA 2012 11,310 79 39 7.0  RA3OU RN3QO
MSHP  RN3F UA 2012 6,944 71 28 3.0  RK3FM RK3FT
MSHP  RA1QD UA 2012 6,720 57 30 4.0 
MSHP  RU7M UA 2012 3,648 48 19 2.0  R7LV
10  MSHP  RC6U UA 2012 1,128 26 12 1.0 
11  MSHP  RM6AA UA 2012 448 16 7 1.0 
12  MSHP  RM6J UA 2012 256 8 8 1.0 
13  MSHP  UA6JFG UA 2012 64 4 4 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.