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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MM  NR5M STX 2012 5,645,184 3,915 488   IK2QEI K5GN KJ5T KU5B N5UI NM5M NR5M NX5M W0UN W5PG Central Texas DX and Contest Club   33/25   141/60   817/99   927/106   1,344/109   653/89
MM  N5AA STX 2012 399,186 404 331   K5DU K5NA Central Texas DX and Contest Club   20/16   52/43   64/44   87/83   117/85   64/60
MM  KB5TX STX 2012 144,480 322 160   K2HIG K4RMC K5NOF KC5FSP KD5MXD KE5GL KM5SY N5SV W5GXV WA5ZKO WO5F Kendall ARS   10/10   29/23   23/17   76/39   88/36   96/35

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.