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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  LW7DUC LU 2011 249,776 949 134 23.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU6FOV LU 2011 232,078 851 137 25.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU8DCF LU 2011 152,418 576 133 29.0 
SO-PH-LP  LW3DN LU 2011 146,616 613 123 22.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU3DK LU 2011 118,422 463 129 17.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU7MCJ LU 2011 114,552 522 111 12.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU5FD LU 2011 109,200 524 105 12.0 
SO-PH-LP  LW6DAK LU 2011 79,352 371 109 25.0 
SO-PH-LP  LU1DR LU 2011 65,484 310 107 22.0 
10  SO-PH-LP  LU4DJB LU 2011 65,236 358 94 18.0 
11  SO-PH-LP  LU1VZ LU 2011 45,024 282 84 14.0  LU9VEA
12  SO-PH-LP  LU5CAB LU 2011 42,456 253 87 13.0 
13  SO-PH-LP  LW1HR LU 2011 39,648 243 84 12.0 
14  SO-PH-LP  LW9DHR LU 2011 20,916 172 63 6.0 
15  SO-PH-LP  LU6FHO LU 2011 15,616 130 61 10.0 
16  SO-PH-LP  LU8DY LU 2011 13,806 118 59 5.0 
17  SO-PH-LP  LU6EVD LU 2011 12,544 118 56 10.0 
18  SO-PH-LP  LU7DSU LU 2011 10,706 103 53 6.0 
19  SO-PH-LP  LW3EWZ LU 2011 10,350 118 45 7.0 
20  SO-PH-LP  LT4K LU 2011 7,524 115 33 6.0  LU6KA
21  SO-PH-LP  LU1EXR LU 2011 6,100 64 50 8.0 
22  SO-PH-LP  LU7ADC LU 2011 4,416 69 32 2.0 
23  SO-PH-LP  LR1A LU 2011 1,560 32 26 2.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.