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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  KP4EU KP4 2012 97,528 669 73 16.0 
SO-PH-LP  KP4RV KP4 2012 29,920 273 55 9.0 
SO-PH-LP  KP4ROS KP4 2012 27,768 275 52 12.0 
SO-PH-LP  WP3GW KP4 2012 17,480 193 46 13.0 
SO-PH-LP  KP3BR KP4 2012 15,488 182 44 14.0  Bayman Radio Club
SO-PH-LP  WP4I KP4 2012 13,930 208 35 5.0 
SO-PH-LP  KP4BZ KP4 2012 11,628 155 38 4.0 
SO-PH-LP  NP3OD KP4 2012 40 5 4 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.