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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  EA2DT EA 2012 9,956 131 38 11.0 
SO-PH-LP  EE1Y EA 2012 6,916 92 38 5.0  EA1YB
SO-PH-LP  ED7R EA 2012 6,322 113 29 7.0 
SO-PH-LP  EE7Z EA 2012 3,200 65 25 7.0  EA7FUN
SO-PH-LP  EA7IA EA 2012 3,192 81 21 6.0 
SO-PH-LP  EA5ON EA 2012 2,958 52 29 5.0 
SO-PH-LP  ED1C EA 2012 1,050 35 15 2.0  EA1AJV
SO-PH-LP  EA3DJL EA 2012 624 27 12 3.0 
SO-PH-LP  EC5EA EA 2012 608 19 16 2.0 
10  SO-PH-LP  EB3TR EA 2012 504 23 12 3.0 
11  SO-PH-LP  EA7CVF EA 2012 468 28 9 2.0 
12  SO-PH-LP  EA3HJO EA 2012 420 21 10 3.0 
13  SO-PH-LP  EA3ESJ EA 2012 72 6 6 1.0 
14  SO-PH-LP  EA4FIT EA 2012 48 6 4 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.