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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  R9UAG UA9 2011 46,764 436 54 9.0 
SO-PH-LP  R9FR UA9 2011 28,182 234 61 9.0 
SO-PH-LP  RU9CD UA9 2011 23,954 209 59 9.0 
SO-PH-LP  UB9AAJ UA9 2011 22,750 176 65 13.0 
SO-PH-LP  R9TV UA9 2011 20,076 243 42 5.0 
SO-PH-LP  R9XV UA9 2011 6,996 108 33 3.0 
SO-PH-LP  UB8QAA UA9 2011 2,704 52 26 2.0 
SO-PH-LP  RV9AM UA9 2011 2,150 44 25 1.0 
SO-PH-LP  UA9JFH UA9 2011 1,710 45 19 4.0 
10  SO-PH-LP  R9UW UA9 2011 140 10 7 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.