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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  LW7DUC LU 2012 202,320 850 120 22.0 
SO-PH-LP  LR1F LU 2012 123,336 583 108 16.0  LU5FD
SO-PH-LP  LU2FLB LU 2012 106,144 504 107 19.0 
SO-PH-LP  LO7H LU 2012 95,232 519 93 9.0  LU7HW
SO-PH-LP  LU7DBL LU 2012 82,368 401 104 26.0  LW6EGE
SO-PH-LP  LU1QAH LU 2012 50,568 307 84 11.0 
SO-PH-LP  LO7D LU 2012 48,510 322 77 7.0  LW1DRH
SO-PH-LP  LU6FOV LU 2012 46,814 266 89 10.0 
SO-PH-LP  LW9ETQ LU 2012 46,536 284 84 8.0 
10  SO-PH-LP  LU5CAB LU 2012 38,678 249 83 12.0 
11  SO-PH-LP  LW1HR LU 2012 36,480 241 76 11.0 
12  SO-PH-LP  LU6EVD LU 2012 29,962 214 71 13.0 
13  SO-PH-LP  LU8DY LU 2012 27,738 206 69 9.0 
14  SO-PH-LP  LU5MT LU 2012 27,648 219 64 5.0 
15  SO-PH-LP  L73DX LU 2012 15,904 146 56 9.0 
16  SO-PH-LP  LU2UG LU 2012 12,480 133 48 7.0 
17  SO-PH-LP  LU5DKH LU 2012 11,424 127 48 7.0 
18  SO-PH-LP  LU1BJW LU 2012 10,290 107 49 3.0 
19  SO-PH-LP  LR1A LU 2012 5,106 72 37 4.0 
20  SO-PH-LP  LU4DX LU 2012 1,560 39 20 2.0 
21  SO-PH-LP  LU1EXR LU 2012 1,064 28 19 3.0 
22  SO-PH-LP  LU6KA LU 2012 984 42 12 3.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.