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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  LU5DX LU 2012 988,500 1,165 250 32.0  LU5DX LU6EBY
MSLP  LU3DAT LU 2012 473,744 1,030 116 18.0 
MSLP  LU1UM LU 2012 247,040 977 128 26.0  LU2UF LU5UAS LU5ULV
MSLP  LU2EE LU 2012 201,984 456 128 10.0  LW2EE LW5EE
MSLP  LU2AYB LU 2012 113,400 385 75 12.0 
MSLP  LU1DBQ LU 2012 63,750 381 85 17.0  LU3EBT LU4ETO LU6DC LU9EHU LW2DQZ LW5DW

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.