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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  PY2YU PY 2020 1,196,634 1,665 213 31.4  PY2EYE PY2NDX PY2YU
MSHP  PX2A PY 2020 825,044 1,366 187 27.3  PU1LMN PY2BK PY2LED PY2PT
MSHP  PR4T PY 2020 392,460 1,027 155 28.5  PY1FI PY1IR PY1RI PY1ZV PY2RKG PY4BZ
MSHP  PT3T PY 2020 330,960 753 140 17.5  PU3LIP PU3RTS PY3BM PY3JSS PY3KN PY3NZ PY3UK
MSHP  ZZ5AA PY 2020 35,040 296 60 19.8  PP5ZCX PU5BOM
MSHP  PP5FB PY 2020 2,592 49 27 2.1  PP5FB PP5KE

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.