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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  ED1B EA 2012 99,940 319 95 14.0  EA1AST EA1HET EA1HFI EA1IFP EA1YG EB1TR
MSLP  EA2LMI EA 2012 5,640 94 30 9.0 
MSLP  EA1BFZ EA 2012 1,872 52 18 4.0 
MSLP  EA2AZ EA 2012 1,848 35 14 1.0 
MSLP  EA2GM EA 2012 1,680 30 14 4.0 
MSLP  EA4FSC EA 2012 960 34 16 5.0  EA4EUW EA4FSC EA4FYR
MSLP  EA5EXK EA 2012 880 20 11 2.0 
MSLP  EA5HKV EA 2012 572 23 13 2.0 
MSLP  EA2BSB EA 2012 60 6 5 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.