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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
SOU-CW-LP  HA1SN HA 2020 1,785,564 1,769 334 23.8    20/18   148/43   371/68   699/94   282/62   249/49
SOU-CW-LP  HG5D HA 2020 1,589,046 1,596 318 23.2  HA8QZ   71/30   192/49   254/67   663/79   309/59   107/34
SOU-CW-LP  HA1XU HA 2020 1,488,080 1,809 304 24.0    72/26   268/47   476/59   561/81   277/58   155/33
SOU-CW-LP  HA6NL HA 2020 759,213 1,004 273 19.7    60/29   137/45   202/56   348/72   149/42   108/29
SOU-CW-LP  HA7I HA 2020 669,439 1,003 239 20.3  HA7JTR      123/40   279/62   411/77   139/41   51/19
SOU-CW-LP  HA5OV HA 2020 223,311 429 201 13.0    31/23   100/37   141/47   78/51   38/23   41/20
SOU-CW-LP  HA3GO HA 2020 164,390 449 170 14.9    32/23   119/36   74/27   147/51   63/25   14/8
SOU-CW-LP  HA5X HA 2020 117,854 419 121 12.0  HA5XA      70/24   109/38   212/44   28/15   
SOU-CW-LP  HA7VK HA 2020 30,294 164 54 6.2             99/30   46/14   19/10

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.