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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SOU-CW-LP  PP1CZ PY 2020 152,768 511 77 10.7 
SOU-CW-LP  PY4XX PY 2020 134,680 460 74 11.4 
SOU-CW-LP  PY1SAD PY 2020 25,560 154 45 12.5 
SOU-CW-LP  PU4GOD PY 2020 21,344 117 46 8.6 
SOU-CW-LP  ZW1M PY 2020 11,984 109 28 8.3  PY1MK
SOU-CW-LP  PY2UDB PY 2020 10,360 73 37 3.7 
SOU-CW-LP  PY2OT PY 2020 9,360 64 39 5.4 
SOU-CW-LP  PY1ZB PY 2020 6,384 58 28 4.9 
SOU-CW-LP  PP2RON PY 2020 820 21 10 1.6 
10  SOU-CW-LP  PY6TV PY 2020 648 28 6 3.5 
11  SOU-CW-LP  PY4NF PY 2020 120 6 5 1.3 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.