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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SOULP  N9JF IL 2020 157,644 898 87 21.2  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  K9MMS IL 2020 150,696 819 91 20.6  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  N9TF IL 2020 119,200 752 80 21.2  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  AC9KW IL 2020 83,520 523 80 19.9 
SOULP  AB9YC IL 2020 67,796 498 68 15.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  W9FY IL 2020 66,960 467 72 15.2  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  W9NXM IL 2020 54,530 393 70 15.2  Society of Midwest Contesters
SOULP  WA9LEY IL 2020 50,370 340 73 11.1  Metro DX Club
SOULP  N9OK IL 2020 49,982 370 67 10.3  Society of Midwest Contesters
10  SOULP  K9PG IL 2020 44,165 299 73 5.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
11  SOULP  KY0Q IL 2020 43,750 310 70 10.4  Society of Midwest Contesters
12  SOULP  WB8BZK IL 2020 39,732 306 66 10.7  Society of Midwest Contesters
13  SOULP  KB0V IL 2020 32,670 254 66 11.0 
14  SOULP  K9CS IL 2020 28,275 214 65 6.2 
15  SOULP  K9EL IL 2020 25,949 161 77 6.5  Society of Midwest Contesters
16  SOULP  KA9BHD IL 2020 20,280 172 60 8.4  Dupage ARC
17  SOULP  KV3T IL 2020 7,661 80 47 1.8 
18  SOULP  N7MB IL 2020 768 24 16 0.9  Society of Midwest Contesters

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.