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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  PA6K PA 2012 182,626 442 127 24.0  PA2AWU PA4N PA4VHF PA5R PA9M PD9DX
MSHP  PI4DX PA 2012 175,392 490 112 21.0  PA0ABM PA3EVY PD1DX
MSHP  PA5WT PA 2012 44,916 200 57 14.0 
MSHP  PI4W PA 2012 30,690 161 55 12.0 
MSHP  PI4ZI PA 2012 29,812 207 58 12.0  PA1TX PA9WOR PE7T
MSHP  PA3AAV PA 2012 20,296 122 43 7.0 
MSHP  PA0O PA 2012 11,704 79 38 4.0 
MSHP  PA6Y PA 2012 2,944 49 16 4.0  PA1CW PA2GRU PA3GPA PA4MRS PB5DX PE1MWL

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.