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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSHP  KQ3F EPA 2023 4,005,276 3,217 418 38.2  KC3WX KQ3F Frankford Radio Club      165/55   378/74   746/97   769/97   1,159/95
MSHP  K3PH EPA 2023 3,874,176 2,848 456 37.5  K3PH W3MF Frankford Radio Club   48/31   162/56   448/80   640/92   662/102   888/95
MSHP  W3ZGD EPA 2023 1,869,120 1,782 354 34.6  K3MSB K3NK WS3C Hilltop Transmitting Assn   15/12   59/38   185/59   339/77   506/82   678/86
MSHP  NS3L EPA 2023 900,375 899 343 19.8  N3SET NS3L Frankford Radio Club   5/5   52/32   161/66   229/78   291/84   161/78

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.