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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  US7L UR 2012 48,764 211 73 14.0  UW7LL
MSHP  UT5EO UR 2012 40,832 186 64 14.0 
MSHP  UT0U UR 2012 39,440 176 68 9.0  UT5UDX
MSHP  UX4U UR 2012 37,120 150 64 13.0 
MSHP  UT7E UR 2012 31,200 148 60 13.0  UR3EZ UR5EAW UT4EO UV5EOZ
MSHP  UY5QO UR 2012 6,156 59 27 5.0 
MSHP  UT1IA UR 2012 2,736 38 18 2.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.