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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  YR1A YO 2011 182,784 443 128 17.0  YO3HA YO3JOS YO3JR
MSLP  YO4DW YO 2011 114,742 286 103 12.0 
MSLP  YO8WW YO 2011 85,608 251 87 8.0 
MSLP  YO5OHO YO 2011 51,520 185 70 7.0  YO5OHO YO5PHU
MSLP  YO5OAG YO 2011 48,048 172 84 10.0 
MSLP  YO5OBA YO 2011 38,930 230 85 15.0 
MSLP  YR5T YO 2011 23,956 114 53 8.0  YO5CBX
MSLP  YO6KNY YO 2011 20,862 115 57 6.0 
MSLP  YO4AAC YO 2011 17,548 129 41 10.0 
10  MSLP  YO3APJ YO 2011 10,998 76 47 2.0 
11  MSLP  YO5FMT YO 2011 10,856 110 46 10.0 
12  MSLP  YO3JW YO 2011 3,968 56 32 2.0 
13  MSLP  YO5TP YO 2011 3,078 60 27 3.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.