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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  N9CO IL 2011 86,360 255 85 6.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSLP  W9IIX IL 2011 64,260 236 105 10.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSLP  KA9MOM IL 2011 36,640 232 80 16.0 
MSLP  AB9M IL 2011 19,500 147 65 9.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSLP  KC9ULA IL 2011 14,112 106 49 10.0  KC9ULA KO0Z
MSLP  W9VQ IL 2011 10,272 60 48 3.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSLP  K9CW IL 2011 5,796 64 23 2.0  Society of Midwest Contesters
MSLP  WA9LKZ IL 2011 1,020 32 15 2.0  KC9HWA WA9LKZ

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.