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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
SOHP  K5GN STX 2020 3,908,124 3,189 417 45.4    215/62   435/79   1,149/95   1,182/99   179/65   29/17
SOHP  K5WA STX 2020 2,854,395 2,354 411 37.9  Central Texas DX and Contest Club   141/59   304/83   859/93   898/103   131/60   21/13
SOHP  N5AW STX 2020 2,821,479 2,396 397 40.7  Central Texas DX and Contest Club   113/57   329/73   731/91   1,029/102   170/60   24/14
SOHP  N5CQ STX 2020 474,000 666 250 26.5  Central Texas DX and Contest Club   20/17   75/45   169/64   322/78   67/36   13/10
SOHP  K0NM STX 2020 345,060 676 180 20.1  Texas DX Society      131/46   146/48   350/60   48/25   1/1
SOHP  KZ5J STX 2020 146,319 335 151 16.9    1/1   51/29   62/33   157/51   49/27   15/10
SOHP  K0GEO STX 2020 98,406 234 142 10.2       61/42   97/46   45/33   31/21   
SOHP  N3BB STX 2020 85,554 300 98 3.6  Central Texas DX and Contest Club   3/3   10/7   88/47   199/41      

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.