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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  DL2NBY DL 2011 150,024 401 94 10.0 
MSLP  DL1NKS DL 2011 118,560 321 114 14.0 
MSLP  DJ3JD DL 2011 66,056 198 92 7.0 
MSLP  DL5ARM DL 2011 47,424 212 57 10.0 
MSLP  DM3PKK DL 2011 46,020 177 65 5.0 
MSLP  DH9SB DL 2011 45,580 218 53 10.0 
MSLP  DF1LX DL 2011 43,420 171 65 5.0 
MSLP  DM3F DL 2011 28,420 136 58 7.0  DH5FS
MSLP  DL4AC DL 2011 28,320 142 60 6.0 
10  MSLP  DB1CP DL 2011 22,892 148 59 10.0 
11  MSLP  DL2SAX DL 2011 18,696 114 41 4.0 
12  MSLP  DK4WO DL 2011 15,936 104 48 9.0 
13  MSLP  DL2IPU DL 2011 14,352 95 39 7.0 
14  MSLP  DM6T DL 2011 8,400 103 42 8.0  DO2MLC DO2TE
15  MSLP  DL1TS DL 2011 7,600 68 40 4.0 
16  MSLP  DK2FW DL 2011 6,864 53 39 4.0 
17  MSLP  DL1SVA DL 2011 6,072 46 33 3.0 
18  MSLP  DL1GOR DL 2011 3,712 65 29 5.0 
19  MSLP  DL7URH DL 2011 2,808 39 18 3.0 
20  MSLP  DP6W DL 2011 702 26 13 2.0 
21  MSLP  DC2IP DL 2011 192 9 6 1.0 
22  MSLP  DC2CT DL 2011 144 9 8 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.