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Show scores for U.S. Call Area 4 or Southeastern Division or All W/VE/XE

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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  W4UH SFL 2011 1,843,968 1,816 294 33.0  AD4Z AI4QY K9VV W4UH WA0USA Florida Contest Group
MSHP  W4MLB SFL 2011 1,112,436 1,502 234 25.0  AF4Z K4PX K4QD W2TX WF3C Florida Contest Group
MSHP  N8PR SFL 2011 702,772 917 266 17.0  Florida Contest Group
MSHP  AD4ES SFL 2011 605,756 1,043 199 25.0  AA4HP AB4GO AD4ES K9ES WF3C Florida Contest Group
MSHP  W4QN SFL 2011 564,776 948 227 25.0  KK9O W4QN Florida Contest Group
MSHP  N4QV SFL 2011 312,816 561 168 17.0  Florida Contest Group
MSHP  KD2JA SFL 2011 222,272 410 184 20.0  Florida Contest Group
MSHP  K4PB SFL 2011 180,496 394 116 17.0  Florida Contest Group

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.