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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SOU-PH-HP  ZW5B PY 2020 145,266 797 93 22.0  PY5EG
SOU-PH-HP  PT4A PY 2020 131,100 712 95 21.8  PY4AZ
SOU-PH-HP  PY5QW PY 2020 64,372 422 77 12.6 
SOU-PH-HP  PY2KNK PY 2020 59,436 384 78 18.4 
SOU-PH-HP  PY4JW PY 2020 14,946 163 47 9.3 
SOU-PH-HP  PR1G PY 2020 4,094 94 23 6.9  PY1CG
SOU-PH-HP  PY5ZHP PY 2020 3,172 56 26 2.6 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.