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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  BD7LMD BY 2011 278,432 896 113 22.0 
MSLP  BG5OP BY 2011 33,456 169 51 19.0 
MSLP  BD6JPV BY 2011 15,296 244 32 11.0 
MSLP  BD2BT BY 2011 14,720 93 40 7.0 
MSLP  BA4SD BY 2011 14,220 94 45 5.0 
MSLP  BH4SHG BY 2011 13,616 154 46 13.0 
MSLP  BD6AHU BY 2011 12,246 159 39 8.0 
MSLP  BH4SKP BY 2011 1,364 33 22 4.0 
MSLP  BD4UJ BY 2011 684 21 9 3.0 
10  MSLP  BG4QNE BY 2011 336 17 14 3.0 
11  MSLP  BA6IV BY 2011 256 8 8 1.0 
12  MSLP  BD4QA BY 2011 120 7 6 1.0 
13  MSLP  BD6JIN BY 2011 24 6 4 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.