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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-CW-LP  AC5K STX 2011 174,000 438 100 13.0 
SO-CW-LP  N5KWN STX 2011 146,412 444 83 12.0 
SO-CW-LP  NO5W STX 2011 116,604 376 79 14.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  KN5L STX 2011 53,212 254 53 11.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  W0UY STX 2011 52,800 220 60 10.0 
SO-CW-LP  AA5VU STX 2011 46,632 211 58 13.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  WD5IYT STX 2011 43,160 167 65 8.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
SO-CW-LP  W3DQN STX 2011 24,472 136 46 6.0 
SO-CW-LP  W5JBO STX 2011 23,856 143 42 5.0 
10  SO-CW-LP  K0GEO STX 2011 19,536 132 37 4.0 
11  SO-CW-LP  N9OF STX 2011 18,624 99 48 5.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
12  SO-CW-LP  KN8KAZ STX 2011 9,636 80 33 6.0 
13  SO-CW-LP  N9NM STX 2011 5,520 50 30 4.0  Central Texas DX and Contest Club
14  SO-CW-LP  KB5JO STX 2011 1,920 24 20 1.0 
15  SO-CW-LP  KD5MMM STX 2011 288 12 6 1.0  Hays-Caldwell ARC

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.