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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-CW-LP  N2CQ SNJ 2011 102,240 290 90 13.0  Gloucester Co ARC
SO-CW-LP  W2SA SNJ 2011 79,648 270 76 19.0 
SO-CW-LP  KC2TA SNJ 2011 31,236 141 57 7.0 
SO-CW-LP  K2MEN SNJ 2011 29,696 140 58 9.0  Gloucester Co ARC
SO-CW-LP  N2NF SNJ 2011 25,308 111 57 6.0  Old Barney ARC
SO-CW-LP  N2UU SNJ 2011 16,740 94 45 4.0 
SO-CW-LP  WA3YRI SNJ 2011 12,768 89 38 6.0 
SO-CW-LP  K2RET SNJ 2011 12,000 78 40 5.0  South Jersey DX Association

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.