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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SOU-MIX-LP  PY2QT PY 2020 90,804 299 94 19.0 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY1VOY PY 2020 60,010 210 85 8.7 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY2MIA PY 2020 13,148 111 38 10.4 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY2OKB PY 2020 7,622 66 37 10.0 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY1AN PY 2020 3,456 48 24 4.4 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY2PIM PY 2020 3,300 58 22 4.2 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY5IN PY 2020 2,736 36 24 3.4 
SOU-MIX-LP  PY8WW PY 2020 2,584 52 17 5.2 
SOU-MIX-LP  PP2CC PY 2020 1,600 30 16 1.2 
10  SOU-MIX-LP  PY4LH PY 2020 858 28 11 2.3 
11  SOU-MIX-LP  PY1BAB PY 2020 216 15 6 2.8 
12  SOU-MIX-LP  PY4WWW PY 2020 32 4 4  

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.