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Show scores for U.S. Call Area 7 or Northwestern Division or All W/VE/XE

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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  W7TVC OR 2011 733,176 1,048 204 24.0  AD7OG AF8Z K2PO KD7VIK W8NF WS7L @K2PO
MSLP  N7XU OR 2011 237,956 592 101 8.0  Central Oregon DX Club
MSLP  KU7K OR 2011 150,000 478 120 14.0  KA7ARC KU7K
MSLP  W7WHY OR 2011 82,144 308 68 5.0  Willamette Valley DX Club
MSLP  K7BUY OR 2011 34,040 234 74 16.0  K7BUY KD7PIB KE7RVI KE7RVL

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.