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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  K1LZ EMA 2011 3,635,992 3,037 361 34.0  K1LZ K3JO KB1WKF N8BO W2GB
MSHP  N1TB EMA 2011 750,952 1,158 236 23.0  KA1IOR N1TB Yankee Clipper Contest Club
MSHP  KX1G EMA 2011 601,664 976 224 25.0  AB1X KG1V KX1G Nashoba Valley ARC
MSHP  N1SNB EMA 2011 230,384 434 154 11.0 
MSHP  K1RV EMA 2011 143,748 366 99 14.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club
MSHP  W1EBI EMA 2011 99,844 245 109 5.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club
MSHP  K1TH EMA 2011 59,904 209 72 4.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club
MSHP  KV1J EMA 2011 18,700 103 55 3.0  Yankee Clipper Contest Club

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.