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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  W8FJ EPA 2012 248,400 626 100 15.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  N3RD EPA 2012 190,528 467 104 13.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  K3WW EPA 2012 153,882 429 103 12.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  KS3F EPA 2012 139,384 353 133 10.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  K3OO EPA 2012 70,448 283 74 5.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  NK3Y EPA 2012 57,768 241 83 20.0  Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  KD3RF EPA 2012 31,920 175 56 11.0  KD3RF KD3TB Frankford Radio Club
MSHP  N3ST EPA 2012 25,400 127 50 3.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSHP  WA3AAN EPA 2012 7,392 69 28 4.0 
10  MSHP  WV2M EPA 2012 850 26 17 2.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.