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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  OK2PAY OK 2011 473,680 766 155 21.0 
MSLP  OK7Y OK 2011 264,000 505 132 14.0 
MSLP  OK3M OK 2011 82,240 263 80 11.0 
MSLP  OK2BFN OK 2011 78,260 220 91 10.0 
MSLP  OK2BNF OK 2011 60,444 211 73 10.0 
MSLP  OK1AY OK 2011 59,920 226 70 8.0 
MSLP  OK2RVM OK 2011 58,710 252 95 19.0  OK2PDU OK6AB
MSLP  OK1RR OK 2011 58,504 208 71 10.0 
MSLP  OK2PCL OK 2011 34,300 177 49 10.0 
10  MSLP  OK1FKD OK 2011 2,860 55 13 3.0 
11  MSLP  OK2SAR OK 2011 1,568 31 16 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.