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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-HP  DL2MWB DL 2011 390,264 1,223 161 22.0 
SO-PH-HP  DL5L DL 2011 344,582 1,148 151 20.0  DG0OKW
SO-PH-HP  DL3BQA DL 2011 264,960 1,040 128 21.0 
SO-PH-HP  DJ1AA DL 2011 186,120 711 132 16.0 
SO-PH-HP  DK1A DL 2011 174,930 600 147 20.0  DK1AF
SO-PH-HP  DJ7YP DL 2011 131,920 493 136 21.0 
SO-PH-HP  DD8SM DL 2011 106,950 471 115 19.0 
SO-PH-HP  DL2YL DL 2011 104,544 489 108 17.0 
SO-PH-HP  DM5TI DL 2011 88,730 472 95 10.0 
10  SO-PH-HP  DL5RU DL 2011 57,340 311 94 15.0 
11  SO-PH-HP  DL5MEV DL 2011 51,876 265 99 5.0 
12  SO-PH-HP  DL1SWB DL 2011 23,680 150 80 6.0 
13  SO-PH-HP  DJ6XV DL 2011 23,506 163 73 8.0 
14  SO-PH-HP  DK8CB DL 2011 13,224 118 57 6.0 
15  SO-PH-HP  DL1JGG DL 2011 10,094 107 49 5.0 
16  SO-PH-HP  DL8DBW DL 2011 1,440 38 20 1.0 
17  SO-PH-HP  DH1HJL DL 2011 442 20 13 3.0 
18  SO-PH-HP  DL6DVU DL 2011 234 13 9 1.0 
19  SO-PH-HP  DK5OA DL 2011 70 7 5 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.