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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-HP  JA7OWD JA 2011 333,248 1,329 127 21.0 
SO-PH-HP  JA2PAC JA 2011 175,770 846 105 16.0 
SO-PH-HP  JA1BPA JA 2011 41,344 308 68 5.0 
SO-PH-HP  JA3LEZ JA 2011 34,680 255 68 14.0 
SO-PH-HP  JA9CCG JA 2011 20,520 183 57 9.0 
SO-PH-HP  JH1ASG JA 2011 14,608 168 44 11.0 
SO-PH-HP  JG7AMD JA 2011 8,970 116 39 3.0 
SO-PH-HP  JG8TDZ JA 2011 8,400 107 40 10.0 
SO-PH-HP  JA3FRI JA 2011 3,294 61 27 4.0 
10  SO-PH-HP  JA1IZZ JA 2011 2,400 48 25 2.0 
11  SO-PH-HP  JH7KTI JA 2011 2,280 38 30  
12  SO-PH-HP  JN3MUC JA 2011 2,214 43 27 3.0 
13  SO-PH-HP  JE1HXZ JA 2011 48 6 4 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.