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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-HP  RC5A UA 2011 327,608 1,332 124 20.0  @RM5A
SO-PH-HP  RV6FA UA 2011 112,000 708 80 14.0 
SO-PH-HP  RZ1ZZ UA 2011 111,672 605 94 18.0 
SO-PH-HP  UA3VFS UA 2011 94,162 532 89 14.0 
SO-PH-HP  RW3DU UA 2011 51,168 331 78 7.0 
SO-PH-HP  U1BD UA 2011 36,540 268 70 13.0 
SO-PH-HP  UA3QNS UA 2011 1,276 29 22 3.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.