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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-LP  UZ5I UR 2011 447,618 786 183 19.0  UY6IM
SO-MIX-LP  UW8SM UR 2011 434,582 680 197 19.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UT3UZ UR 2011 152,222 365 131 12.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UY1HY UR 2011 88,128 246 108 7.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UT1IM UR 2011 83,520 301 90 10.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UU2JA UR 2011 47,560 181 82 12.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UT7LW UR 2011 40,716 149 78 11.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UT4UB UR 2011 37,400 165 68 13.0 
SO-MIX-LP  UT4XU UR 2011 35,620 173 65 8.0 
10  SO-MIX-LP  UX7FC UR 2011 23,184 112 56 6.0 
11  SO-MIX-LP  US6CQ UR 2011 21,060 113 54 6.0 
12  SO-MIX-LP  UY5AR UR 2011 17,340 107 51 6.0 
13  SO-MIX-LP  UT1AA UR 2011 17,220 106 42 4.0 
14  SO-MIX-LP  UX6IB UR 2011 9,920 71 40 4.0 
15  SO-MIX-LP  US5EEK UR 2011 2,784 34 24 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.