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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-PH-LP  KF9US WI 2012 30,744 255 61 15.0  Badger Contesters
SO-PH-LP  WB9PUB WI 2012 30,672 294 54 11.0  West Allis RAC
SO-PH-LP  KA9JCP WI 2012 14,104 164 43   West Allis RAC
SO-PH-LP  W9NAW WI 2012 6,384 87 38 5.0  West Allis RAC
SO-PH-LP  N9XRO WI 2012 4,216 74 31 4.0  Badger Contesters
SO-PH-LP  WV9E WI 2012 4,092 67 31 6.0  Badger Contesters
SO-PH-LP  WA9AXQ WI 2012 2,376 49 27 4.0  West Allis RAC
SO-PH-LP  WB9BWP WI 2012 702 27 13 2.0 
SO-PH-LP  N9NDP WI 2012 294 21 7 2.0  Badger Contesters
10  SO-PH-LP  KC9UHH WI 2012 126 9 7 1.0 
11  SO-PH-LP  AC9DE WI 2012 2 1 1 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.