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Soapbox for 2024
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.
First Contest with Icom IC 7300 |
AC4HI [photo/doc] |
Had a blast in my first Sweepstakes since 1998. I really wanted a clean sweep but came up one short. Where were you Newfoundland/Labrador? See you all in 2025 ! AC4HI |
AD0L |
My first SS. I learned a lot by my mistakes. I would log differently. But I enjoyed being told that I was the last section some folks needed to make a complete sweep. |
Had a really good time during this contest. Bands seemed to be in great shape. Looking forward to doing this again next year. Thanks to everyone involved in making this contest happen! |
It was great being able to work the sweepstakes contest again after many years not able to. It was rewarding hearing all the quality operators and the patience they displayed with the low and limited station such as mine. |
All contacts via Antron A99 vertical at 5 feet. |
AF7O |
My antenna broke day before the contest. Did a temporary fix, and managed to do OK with a very sub-optimal antenna. Murphy lives in our shacks. 73 and thanks for all the folks that were able to pull my reports out of the mud. |
Enjoyable day. Saturday was crazy busy. Sunday settled down and it was less chaos and a more friendly atmosphere. |
I was visiting my son in Wyoming during the contest and I had my radio gear with me so why not. |
Limited Antennas Category: 88 ft doublet, 80m dipole, 40m Delta Loop (all under 50ft high). |
First time working the ARRL SS SSB Contest, & only my second contest ever. I had a fun time. It's good to see that my gear is working. |
AJ4D |
Not too shabby for an antenna that doesn't work. The Comet CHA-250B and 100 watts. |
K0GD |
Rig: Elecraft K4D, KPA1500 Antennas: OptiBeam OB5-9 at 50' 144' doublet with ladder line. Logging: N1MM |
K0HB |
Band QSOs Pts Sec Pt/Q 3.5 6 12 6 2.0 7 4 8 3 2.0 14 178 356 66 2.0 21 14 28 10 2.0 Total 202 404 85 2.0 Score: 34,340 This one reminds me of the movie "The Perfect Storm". I turned in my lowest SS score in 40 years! I knew going in that it was going to be a challenge, and seriously considered taking a pass. But, hey it's Sweepstakes, the Radiomans' Contest, and the next comparable challenge is NEXT November. So here we go! Points for MWA, even if only a few. The first challenge (the one which had me considering raking leaves instead of raking in points) reared its' ugly head about 10 days ago when a monster dose of RFI arrived suddenly in the neighborhood. (It's still here, but under the loving care of Xcel Energy.) It's a LOUD raspy 120Hz buzz extending from 160 meters almost up to 20 meters, so (as you can see from my box score above) 80 and 40 meters were completely nuked, leaving me the 3 HF bands to play on. 15 meters wasn't anything to brag about, and 10 meters was worse, so it became a "single band" (20 meters) contest here. Unfortunately SS has no single band category. OK, but hey, I have a nice TH7 at 60 feet, and it really does play well, so this can still be fun. It's Sweepstakes, after all (even if it is the damned phone weekend, which is my poorest mode) so "let's git 'er done". Next visit from Murphy was about 10 minutes before the opening bell at 2100Z. (See my comment about a nice TH7.) As I settled in the chair at about 2050Z, fired up the station and tried a few CQ's to homestead a spot on 10 meters. My solid state amp said "No way, Hans. Your VSWR is obscene!" And it was. Off the scale! Checked 15 and 20, and they were the same! Without the lower bands, and with no TH7, looks like I'll be raking leaves after all. Hooked up my Rig Expert AA-55 analyzer, and the VSWR trace is a flat line at the top of the screen, all the way from 13MHz to 30MHz. The AA-55 has a TDR feature to measure the length of a transmission line. It tells me that my coax is precisely 45.72 feet long. "That's odd, I thought it was about 260 feet from the station console, out across the back yard, and up the tower to the TH-7. I wonder where the 45.72 point is." Turns out that that point is at the basement wall where the coax exits the house through a barrel connector into a box containing lightning protectors. Turns out that cheap Ho-Chi-Min connector has morphed into carbon, and ruining the PL-259's on either side of itself in the process. So instead of opening the contest on time, I spent an hour and a half splicing and soldering and crimping together a temporary detour around all that mess. By the time I get my BITC, the notion of a nice opening run on 15 meters on a clear QRG is reduced to "I'll S&P, harvest the bandmap, and keep an eye out on the spectrum scope for a quiet spot when some dude needs to make a head call. I was really falling behind -- one of my early Q's was with Ron, N0AT. I think it was my serial #10 or so, and Rons' serial was somewhere around 80 or 90. It soon got dark outside, in the shack 15 went dark, and 20 went mushy. I S&P'd for a while, but gave it up. "Tomorrow morning will be better. I'll get up around 5AM, brew up a pot of java, get on 20, point the beam east, and as the sun rises over all those choice VE1, VY2, VE9, ME, VT and NH mults, I'll run like a 1950's hotrod flathead Ford." So I did that for a little while until K0CKB got up, sat down in her favorite chair, and thought "Gee it's sorta cold in here. I better check the thermostat." The fancy Honeywell had nothing to say. It was dark. Powerless. "Honey, I hate to tell you, but the furnace is broke." Trekked down to the basement, and the furnace is "cold as a Witches' ..... in the Klondike". Poked around in there with a flashlight, wiggled some wires, and idly wondered how much an HVAC guy would charge for an emergency Sunday morning repair job. Probably the price of about 500 feet of LMR-400 shipped by next-day air from DX Engineering. Then I got lucky. In Navy electronics we had a term for a tech who just stumbled onto the cause of an equipment failure "by accident" instead of following a logical well-thought troubleshooting process. We called this "Easter Egging". Well I found an Easter Egg. The last wire I wiggled was loose. One of the spade-lug friction-fit thingies which must have vibrated loose from the terminal had opened the 24VAC line which, among other things, powers that smart-assed Honeywell thermostat up in the dining room. Well, now I know the problem, but the wire came out of a 1-inch hole in some sheet metal, and the mating spade lug is on a SP/ST microswitch buried behind that sheet metal. Thank you, Mr Lennox, for your consideration! Eventually I found a way to unbutton things enough to get behind there and put it back in place. Crimped it up real tight with a pliers, so I won't be doing that job again anytime soon. So, hey, the Vikings are playing at noon. After the game (Vikes won), I decided to be "fresh meat" and maybe scrape up a few more multipliers. Had a couple of short runs on 20, watched the bandmap for mults, and ended on a high note with a Sweep. The Xcel Energy guy is coming back in the morning in his big white truck. I wonder if he's been laying awake nights all weekend pondering my RFI problem. Only 50 weeks to SS CW. 73, de Hans, K0HB |
K0HC |
( 1467 * 2 ) * 85 = 249,390 IN 23:29 SWEEP AT 0340Z ON SUNDAY WITH N2IC IN NM ONE UNLICENSED FACULTY OPERATOR - CASSIE Submitted 19 Nov 2024 |
Good conditions, I really enjoyed the contest and nearly had a sweep, there’s always next year! |
K0VH |
Few hrs S&P. Using a 6BTV vertical, nice to see limited antennas option from HOA. |
K1EP |
Thanks to Andy, K2LE, for the use of his great remote station. I had limited time for this contest and could only get on Sunday. For a challenge and given the good high band conditions, I decided to go QRP unassisted. I had hoped for a sweep but it didn't happen. What was strange was that I found the usually hard sections (TER, SF, VI, PR, ND, SD, WY, etc.) and even busted some pileups to get those rare ones. I worked all Canadian sections except what might be considered an easy one for my location, VE9. VY1 was not a problem, as I found VY1CO and it wasn't too difficult to bust the pileup. When I found a VI station on 15M, I had a more difficult time trying to bust the pileup. 15M is not the best band on this station and there were rotator issues with it too. I had almost decided to give up, when the op declared, "Any QRP stations in the pileup?" I worked N4KK easily without the bedlam of a rare section pileup. Kudos to the considerate op who made that choice. As it turns out, I found another VI station later in the contest. The sections I missed were for the most part, pretty easy. ME, NLI, AK, EWA, and NB. I heard several NLI stations, but they could not hear me. I never heard an EWA or NB station. I heard Steve, KL7SB, but he was S&P. SFL was a tough section this contest. I heard one S&P work another station, so I gave a shout to go up 10. I started calling for the station and sure enough, he was there. We worked and as it turned out, he needed VT and I needed SFL! We chatted briefly and I told him that SFL appeared rare this contest, as I had heard others remarking the same. He said maybe he should find a good frequency and call CQ. I told him he could have mine, as I only grabbed it to work him! I got many unsolicited reports about how good my signal was. Many were surprised I was QRP and asked about the antennas. I even got great audio reports. My old aftermarket boom mike for my Bose headset had failed and I didn't want to use my Heil mike on a gooseneck. I ordered a different aftermarket replacement mike from Amazon a couple of days before the contest for about $5. Many people commented on the good audio! I think my old HC4 mikes were great, but you can't beat the price or next day delivery of Amazon these days. There were times I felt loud and had some good runs. I obviously had to be spotted because I instantly had rates well over 100 at times. Thanks for the Qs and especially those who had to pick out my QRP signal. |
K2JF |
made my weekend! |
K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB did Multi-1 HP in the 2024 SSB sweeps, as we did in 2023. N3UM mostly ran. W5MPB clicked spots for mults and always-CQing ops. We hoped to beat our 2023 claim. We did, with 1.5 X the Qs and score, in 0.3 fewer BIC hrs. SFI of 145 and low Kp made 20 & 40 M great, 80 M good, and 15 & 10 M ~OK. We took turns QRV; N3UM went 1st. On 20 M he got 134 Qs 2100-2316Z, 124 in a run @ 65/hr. Then on 40 M 2320-0122Z he got 118 Qs, 112 running @ 64/hr. W5MPB 0126-0201Z got 5 far 20-M sects. He then hopped 80 & 40 M 0209- 0618Z for 98 Qs, 58 80-M & 40 40-M. At 0618Z QRT we had 357 total Qs and 82 sects. Back on 1222-1417Z N3UM got 94 40-M Qs, 87 in a run at 56/hr. From 1428-1540Z he got 4 15-M Qs & 29 20-M Qs, 21 in a run at 37/hr. Then 1600-1618Z he got sect 83, VI + 7 Qs on 15 M & quit to eat. W5MPB 1705-1923Z hopped bands for 59 Qs; 14 on 20 M, 31 on 15M, & 14 on 10 M. He got sect 84, SB @ 1755Z. N3UM 1933- 2127Z hopped bands for 49 Qs; 31 20-M, 13 15-M, & 5 10-M. W5MPB 2134-0116Z hopped for 87 Qs; 46 on 40 M, 31 on 20 M, & 10 on 10 M. On 40 M @ 2135Z he got QC, sect 85 for the sweep! N3UM 0126-0241Z ran for 57 80-M Qs at 46/hr. Rate died; he scraped up a last 3 40- M Qs by 0254Z final QRT. We got 2+ Qs in every section; insurance! |
K3TW |
"Many stations in the WCF section went QRT after Hurricane Milton destroyed and flooded many homes. Luckily, I was not affected here in the NFL section." |
OK and close! |
Sweep! With 100 watts and a wire. Had a great time. |
Elecraft K3+ with Heil HC-4 mic element |
Could work only 5 hrs. Moved and no longer have the advantage of a 3el beam. I thought that propagation from SFL was poor on Saturday but a bit better on Sun AM. But I was never able to run a frequency. Still, for 5 hrs, i am happy with my score. ZI will do better next year! |
K5RX |
Like the CW SS, just 10, 15 and 20 m. again with C3e at 106'. About 10 1/2 hours operation. |
K5ZD |
Fun to work so many stations with newer checks |
K6ST |
ARRL SSB Sweepstakes Nov 16-17 2024 Sacramento Valley |
K6TD |
K6UFO: We never solved a long nagging distortion problem in our TX audio, but it was good enough for contesting. One amp was a little finicky on 10m. No problems with radios, antennas, connected logging, etc. Everyone showed up on time and did their shifts well! 10m and 15m were the place to be here out west. 20m usually too crowded (QRM) or long and weak. Nice to make a sweep and hear the voices behind so many familiar callsigns. ND2T: Many thanks to the K6MTU team for building and maintaining the fantastic station. K6TD: enjoyed all the QSOs, especially new ops! K6MTU had audio problems here and there, but, everyone understood us, and gave us a contact. Tks! |
Great event! |
K8LF |
While not so much a fan of SSB contest. It was good fun. Missed cleensweep by one SDG. Got clean sweep on CW a couple of weeks ago. Great to work so many PVRC members. |
K8TS |
Homebrew Rig, 80m horiz delta loop @ 30 ft |
K9IU |
Operators K9UR and N9VKU A brief sunday effort to get the Amateur Radio Club at Indiana University on the air ! Yes, Virginia, S is a precedent and not just for Santa Claus... Go Hoosiers! |
K9KE |
Society of Midwest Contesters |
Fun contest didn't have as much time as would have liked but had a great time and lots of activity. 73 Matt ka0pqw |
Where did all the Canadian Stations go too I missed the sweep by 4 sections. |
The contest is Great! The bands are Great! And I past my score history!!! |
11/3/2018 |
KC7HF [photo/doc] |
Contesting with your next door neighbor (and you bring over the station) - Some months ago a new next door neighbor moved in; he turned out to be Rob KI6PLB. Both Rob and I like to operate HF. Some hams might have taken pause to this sort of development, with worries of blowing out each other’s receiver front ends with S40+ signals. What to do? Do Sweepstakes together as a multi-op, and invite some more local ham friends! Rob nor I have had much time yet to put up many permanent antennas. I have a new portable station trailer that deploys a triband yagi on a 42 foot pneumatic mast, but no room to set it up in my driveway. But Rob has a much bigger driveway. Simple solution – tow the trailer next door to Rob’s place and put up the beam (see attached picture). Neither of our house lots has enough room for a ½ wave 80m dipole. However, if you erect a 40 foot push-up mast right on our adjoining property line, the array will fit. We were also joined by fellow Valley Radio Club (of Oregon) members Scott N7JI and Gabe N7XAX who helped fill the logbook. Our QSO number was moderate, but we were pleasantly surprised that we had worked 80 sections (where were the Canadian Maritimes?). This is the first time the trailer has been used for a major contest and everything worked well. So if you have a ham neighbor, suggest that you combine efforts and contest together; the results can be great! 73, Mike KC7HF |
KD0B |
My favorite contest |
KD4D |
Thanks again to Frank Donovan, W3LPL, for letting Bob Teitel (W3IDT) and I invade his basement. Our combined efforts contributed over 300,000 claimed points for PVRC in the SS Club Competition! Activity seemed down and it was a slow slog for most of Sunday. I had a nice short burst of activity on Sunday afternoon on 10 meters though. Sharing the station means that one of us is always on the best band - fortunately, unlike CW, we didn't have too many times when only one band was productive. |
ICOM 7300 - 100W, EFHW ALL BAND INVERTED BOX 30 X 73 X 30 |
Also helped club members of W3UD operate under club callsign. Did not intend to participate but stumbled upon 2 operators, and wanted to give them the contact credit. |
This is the first contest I have participated in. This is also my first day on HF in many years. I set my station (Yaesu FT-891 with G5RV Jr. at 20 feet) up on Saturday and got on the air about 30 minutes prior to the contest starting. I was behind the eight ball on my first two contacts but quickly figured out the rules and got going. This was fun and I look forward to many more. |
10 meter band only |
First Contest |
First contest running with my own call! So encouraged by all the ops congratulating me on my new license. |
K3 with G5RV at 34 feet |
FM07um cabin 7 Bear Creek Lake SP Cumberland VA. Did have some power problems Saturday night on 40. Had to switch to a different power circuit in cabin to get 100 W on 40. |
My first time as a technician in this contest! States and countries were all new to my callsign! |
Fun contest. Only able to operate for 8h 43m out of the weekend due to work and other commitments. Enjoyed the contest and improved considerably over last year's score! |
KI9A |
Had a blast with 2 of my Grandsons again this year, Aidan (19) and Adam (12). |
KJ9C |
Tried a number of times to do this... just don't like phone contests |
Had a great time! |
Used the contest an opportunity to dust off radios I haven't touched in a very long time. Unfortunately I didn't realize I needed precise QSO times. I didn't write them down, but they're all within an hour I think. Sorry! Hopefully its not a ding against the others. |
First SSB Sweepstakes! |
operating times in UTC: nov 16th 2100-nov 17th 0108 then nov 17th 1733-nov 18th 0029 |
Too little time to play radio, but fun while it lasted! |
KN2D |
This was my first SSB SS in 50+ years. Had lots of fun! |
Limited Antenna Overlay |
KS7T |
There is a lot to be said about sundown propagation. Took til almost 4pm MST Sat. to get 104 qs. 10 was open but flat and QSB factor high with vy few Big signals coming in. 15 a little better but not by much so when those bands Took a big dip an hour before sundown here I went on 20 and wow after a few Cqs with 100w. I commanded 14.172 for 2hrs 39 mins and made 154 qs in that Time. Strangely the prop for CW SS was severely bad. For SSB it was just bad According to NOAA but on the air CW cndx sounded much better and did 2x as gud |
KV7N |
Great contest but where were the VE9's hiding out |
N0JK |
Did a limited mobile operation on 10M to hand out a few Qs. WH7Z was strong. |
20 watts portable |
N0UY |
I lost the feedline on the yagi just prior to the contest. i worked the entire test on my 40m vertical. |
Was assisted, just set N1MM up wrong :facepalm: |
N4IW |
I operated as much as I could, which was not much, but I got a few points for the club. I spent quite a bit of time tweaking my WAV files because they were too quiet. It was enjoyable while it lasted. Thanks for the Qs! |
I can never get into ARRL SS. Too much info to relay. Wish all contest would add a wires only categorey. |
Fun contest. Thanks to those who made this contest successful. |
Didn't get a lot but had a good time |
Mostly good conditions when I worked. Nice to see SSB activity. |
Had more Q's this year, so an improvement, but still below target. Never heard NL section and found PR in the last 20 minutes, but the rest were pretty easy. Extremely difficult to find a run frequency on 40m. Seemed like everyone was a DUPE by Sunday evening, so very slow going the last few hours. My section is finally right in call history after moving a few years ago, (but only because I initiated the change.) I had fun. Thanks to the other participants! |
Best SS EVER! Clean sweep! over 100K score! We love this contest! |
N6AN |
Portable from two SOTA summits in Southern California, Thorn Point, W6/SC-007 in SB on Saturday and Flint Peak, W6/CT-225, in LAX on Sunday. KX3 @ 5watts to a 10 m half square made of a single CAT5e twisted pair. Logging was done on a smart phone app. |
Great time! |
Icom IC-7300,Heil ProMicro Headset, 1/2 Size G5RV up 45 feet, running N-S. |
N9OK |
Hit both goals of a Clean Sweep and 500+ Q's. Conditions started off pretty rough on Saturday but seemed to be better Sunday. Had a good time with this one. |
85 contacts, 85 sections! Clean Sweep |
NI0K |
Huge nuber of first-time SS ops! Bands were great. Missed the Sweep by 2 :(. |
NJ5F |
I love this contest! Thank you! :) |
NU7I |
Proud of my results considering this is a SSB contest. Conditions were pretty good all weekend. |
NY5B |
It seems the sections with little or no operators are the same each year. These sections should, in some way, be eliminated from clean sweep qualifications. You all know the ones Im speaking of. |
LICENSED 2022.03.04 |
I only started to say "N5UWY" instead of VE3UWY a couple times and managed to catch myself. |
Phone contests from limited-antenna stations are always harder than CW, so I tend to prefer the narrower bandwidth where I can make myself heard and run, but have always enjoyed the SS Phone. Lots of S&P. Made a sweep on the very last Q with only a minute or so to spare. Pulled out every pileup trick in my notebook on that one. Thanks NP3Y! |
First time in a while that I was able to do SS. Just missed the sweep. SD eluded me. |
VE6AO [photo/doc] |
Every year, Doug (VA3BD) and Mike (VE6FXL) do a father and son trip to work Sweepstakes together. Last year was in the Yukon and Mike's club station was one of the contacts and was very clear, even with Aurora flutter. Long story short, we decided to do Sweeps from the club station this year and just be a part of the team. The overall team was rounded out by Dino (VA6DM) as an operator and Rob (VE6CCL) providing technical support. Great result this year and only missed a clean sweep by two sections. Next year! |
SS was a lot of fun this year. I was pleased to also check into a few Vintage radio nets.I got a few SS sqo's with my IC-740. |
I think second time in the ARRL SS. Had a thought to try for a clean sweep, annnd, gave it a go! Parked up mobile, so portable, a 100 W rig and omni-mono band whip antennas, a the usual set up here. Four bands, the upper three doing the major work. There was propagation available on 40 m however few folks working it in ph. I tried a variety of tactics and did quite well, with 68 mults. It was sad that a number of VE stns I heard, and few prized other sections could not hear me, or I suppose more correctly, didn't alter their antenna headings. I wasn't unreasonably expecting them to turn them, however it would've been nice, and I think I would if so equipped. It was great to work PEI, at night, on 40 m , likely two hop. SK, MB, were well represented. It was really fun to work VY1 and VE8 as well. The nature of the 'test, working someone but once, added an interesting texture. Thanks all for digging me out. Thank you for the kind audio reports, and the accompanying surprise when I mentioned I was a mobile stn. Gave me a grin. 73 all. |
ffffsd |
Many times the ops thanked me for participating. One op was running and it was a pleasure to complete his I sweep. |
W0BF |
Contest about the same as always. Need more rare sections and for them to stay put so roaming stations can have a chance of clean sweep. |
Another great Sweepstakes run by W0EEE! We were down two stations from our original plan, but we still made a pretty good showing. 73 from Eric AE0JE, Josh KF0FUO, Silas KE0NQO, Morgan KI5SXY, Adam NQ0B, Thomas KX0STL, Greg WO0PER, and Connor KF0KFX! |
Missed South Dakota for the sweep-it's less than 300 miles from my QTH,heard a few but they were not running - |
W0YC |
Woo hoo! |
Hardware problems after 2 QSOs. |
W1QK |
Thank you for the contacts. Operated Sweeps CW as QRP, so decided to try Phone as QRP this year. Effective antennas made a huge diifference with QRP Power. Thanks to the ARRL for sonsoring the contest. 73, Dan - W1QK |
W2RQ |
Raised 80 dipole higher than ever, but little activity there. New 2-el 40 worked well. New 10/15 yagi, but could not get any significant runs on eithr band or 20. My body telling me I am getting way too old for full time operations! |
G90- 20 WATTS |
tnx fer dem Q's. Worked with really limited antennas. Only a 40m/20m trap dipole and an 80m Vee. Loaded up either of those on 10m and 15m as required, but mostly the trap dipole. Had a few useful runs on 80/40/20, but never got much on 15/10. |
W4LT |
Due to Hurricanes Helene and Milton, not only was my usual remote station at the Tampa ARC not available due to no internet connectivity and antennas askew, but my tower at home was damaged and was a little difficult to use. All I had was my tribander at 20 feet pointing north as the telescoping part of the tower was jammed and wouldnt telescope. So my usual full time operation was not to be this year. A lot of our local West Central Florida stations were also offline due to damage, so WCF was rare. I was able to get on 20 on Saturday from my home station and was amazed that the rotor still worked! While my score was low, I spent two hours on the air between clearing crap out of my pool and picking up branches and had a WONDERFUL pileup for the entire time! Really wonderful pileup! Thanks all of you so much, I live for pileups like that! Trememdous fun! Hope to be back to normal by SS 2025. See all of you then! De W4LT. |
W4YE |
Great condx and I enjoyed a few short rag chews. SSB ops were extremely courteous and patient and congratulatory of my check: 52. great contest for an old cw op! 73, Buddy W4YE |
W4YY |
W4YY operated 2024 ARRL SS SSB for 5th time via remote. Twice from CX7TT/K6CT and 3 times from Panama as HP1XT/K2GO. W4RN hosted K4D server and FB antenna system. |
I love when I finally decide to call CQ, and then rare/missed section residents call ME! |
W6EO |
Error "No QSO DATA ..Entered" I mistakenly stipulated "ALL" for the bands used, when in reality I used only, 10M, 15M< 20M< and 40M. I am sorry. for the mistake. Lorin Hollander W6EO |
W6YX [photo/doc] |
This was 100% Stanford student operators at the mic. All were brand new to HF contesting. Some had never spoken on a radio before. All were amazing!! We started out "Field Day style," where they were operating and I (WD6T) was logging, then moved on to their doing it all themselves. I was blown away by how fast they picked it up and how well they did. We used check 22... that's NINETEEN-twenty-two, the year The Stanford Amateur Radio Club was founded. The operators were: Saturday: * Rebecca Wang (not yet licensed) * Der-Han Huang (KO6ECC) Sunday: * Victor Huynh (not yet licensed) * Hugo Budd (KN6PCV) * Mason Matich (KC3WNY) I was the control op, present at all times.- WD6T |
Was able to get a Sweep this year! |
I failed to write down the required details for these contacts. Hopefully it still counts for them, at least My first contest and I didn't realize (at first) that I needed THEIR serial/prec/check/Sec. Sorry. Band Date Time Serial-Sent Call-Copied Serial-Copied Prec-Copied Check-Copied Sec-Copied ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 11/16 2303 1 WC6H 20 11/16 2320 2 N2IC 376 B NM 20 11/16 2323 3 N9RV 410 B MT |
I completed two exchanges, but am not sure of the CQers callsigns. |
Used a 20m Hamstick mag-mounted to a metal doggie gate laid on the ground which made a very good counterpoise as well as a place to mount it. |
Oh, so close to getting them all - better luck next time! |
Sweep of all U.S.A.! Had only four (4) Canadian Sections Remaining! Great Contest conditions! |
Operated remote from Tokyo, Japan |
Check Log Only |
rig: Hermes Lite 2, ant: MadDog coil vertical, amp: THP-45watt |
WF4V |
WG8X |
I had a great time this weekend. My OCF Dipole failed half way through, but I love problem solving, and working under adverse conditions anyway. |
WN3N |
Another fun time, we will be back again next year |
WO3X |
I don't expect to achieve a clean sweep because of additional activities during the contest but I may do better than previous years. |
WQ6X |
This was another ad-HOC WQ6X QRP Sweepstakes run from Ramona. I spent many hours running STN-1 for NX6T and catching up on sleep so I missed out on many QSOs and Mults (including SDG section) so my score was half of my 1st-place effort from last year. As usual, running remote I encountered numerous brief internet outages, so if I seemed to disappear on you on my voice sounded choppy, that is why. Nevertheless, this frantic weekend is always a lot of fun, except when high power stations move in on QRP frequencies - because they can. Look for a write-up on this at: |
WR1B |
The most fun I've had in SS in years! |
WR3R |
Great SS. Love chasing sections. Tks and 73, Gry WR3R |
WU6X |
First contact, with N9EA, should have been logged as 10m at 23:49 on 11/17 |
WY0X |
Had fun. Heard WY but always too close and weak! Hahaha! Where was UTAH?! Couldn't make it thru the VI pileup, oh well. And no Oklahoma?! California didn';t show up until late both days, and mainly heard on 15m. Quite odd! 73! Nate |