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Soapbox for 2021
Note: If you are concerned about a Soapbox comment, please contact the ARRL Contest Manager.

Operated field-day style in the Forest on the high elevation
Mogollon Rim in Arizona's DM44hj.
Didn't have the time or energy for a full effort,
so I just hiked up to a local peak with my KX3 and
some HTs. I had SSB, FM, and CW on 50, and FM only
on 144, 222, and 440. Had fun the two hours I
operated. Looking forward to January.
Only opportunity to make some QSOs in this contest was Sunday
evening.  Glad to work those short distant stations and thanks.
Using SDR Pluto.
AF7GL   [photo/doc]  
Planned to operate both days, but ended up staying for 5 hours only. Morning was windy but turned
out to be very pleasant weather by the start of the contest.
Was able to stay in the 10 W limit, although may missed stations because of this. Especially on 50.
Used the IC-705 with 9 el. on 144, 18 el. on 432 and a dipole on 50 MHz. Elevation was just shy of
7000 feet.
I regret not to call towards the E and SE although generally no stations in that direction.
2 meters open . 6 meters closed   WOW
Operating handheld from home: FT-60R for 2m/70cm, VX-6R for 125cm.
I decided to operate single band on 222 MHz in this contest. I'm
just getting started on 1.25m and my station consists of a 10 watt
transverter with a K3s as the IF rig plus a 10 element M2 Yagi
on a push-up pole.  The 222 MHz band lived up to its reputation
as the best band for tropo propagation, and I had a blast working
out to 500 miles using FT8.
My very first time ever participating on ARRL VHF Contest.
Only single band with limited station conditions.
25W on a 5 element Yagi.
Well that was pretty surprising!! Before the Sprint I was hoping just to work W1AIM in FN34. I have
been missing Chip lately and now that my antenna rotates, I can point west.. I had noticed a couple
days before the sprint that the Hepburn VHF map was NOT all black like it is normally, so hoped
conditions would be above average. I was not disappointed! There was excellent tropo down the coast
and a bit to the west as well. Hadn't seen anything like it since the VHF contest last September!
Most contacts were on SSB but at one point I went grid hunting on FT8 and picked up a few VE3's.
Final tally was 48 qso's in 24 grids. 35 on SSB, one on CW, 12 on FT-8. best DX SW was KJ4ZYB in
FM07 on SSB out in the Blue Ridge mountains of VA. that was 757 miles. best DX west was VE3SCP in
EN93 at 560 miles. Didn't work anything east or north, though I have to admit I was pretty focused
in the other direction so might have missed some. I did work my own grid and also FN53 but not FN44
or FN
 55, contiguous grids which I normally do work.

anyway in maybe 3 hours operating time: 48q's x 24 grids = 1152 score

thanks to all who got on!

bill, k1DY in Maine, FN54
Qualified as /R: Had to make quick trip to grocery store and CN87/88
line is half way through the 6 mile drive. See N6ZE/7 for primary
operating for this contest
Conditions remained average / normal in my part of Maryland.   I saw several operators in the
southwest part of my FM19 grid and adjacent south and west grids working Great Tropo to Texas,
Louisiana and Florida.  My best enhanced propagation contacts were with Todd N4QWZ EM66 on 900 km
using 144 and 432 MHz FT8. 
Rovers worked include AB4CR, KD3PD, W3ICC, KF2MR, KG4ITT, VE3OIL, N2XRE and K3XY.  We know it is a
lot of work to Rove, both on the road and in preparation before the contest, but please know we all
really appreciate the effort you put in, and the results you get.   

My 222 MHz amplifier went out early Saturday afternoon, so ended up a little light on the 222 QSOs
and grids. But at the same time had a good time making CW and FT8 contacts on 222 MHz running 12
My QSO breakdown by transmission mode: CW - 67(13.2%), FM - 25 (4.9 %), FT8 - 112 (22.1%), MSK144 -
3 (0.59%), and USB - 299 (59.1%). Total 506.   [I did not keep track of any statistics for contacts
where stations called me on CW while I transmitted in USB, as occasionally is the case].

Thanks to ARRL for their excellent sponsorship of these VHF contests and to everyone who got on and
made contacts on any transmission modes in the contest.   73, Dave  K1RZ.  FM19jh.  cu September 18
and 19 from FN21be in Round 2 of the 10 GHz and Up Contest.
K2CYS   [photo/doc]  
A fun, low-stress contest.  First VHF contest I ever did.  Not a bad introduction. I did not have my
power supply for my amplifier until 20 minutes into the contest so I had to spend some time hooking
that up. But it was a fun contest and itâ??s good to know that the antenna I put up in the summer
Fun trip toElk Country. Didn't see an Elk until I decended the mountain and saw a male behind a
country bar
Temporary rooftop setup due to "station maintenance". Used a dual band J-Pole for Saturday, and a 2m
Yagi pointed West on Sunday, hoping to catch I-87 / I-90 hamfest traffic. Threat of thunderstorms on
Sunday afternoon caused an early end to the contest for me. Hoping to work SO3B again in January.
Nice tropo Sunday morning ans - something - at dusk!  2m big wheel, 6m Moxon, from EM12
No roving this contest made for a pleasant couple of days at home. Wonderful tropo opening on Sunday
morning. You can find my full write up at
First contest participation. Logging to verify QSO only.
Minimal traffic on 2m & 70cm calling freq within range.
Highlight was 172 miles over the mountains on 1.2G with W7OJT. 10w  using JT65b aircraft scatter!
First- time contester.
Working QRP from a mountain top, this was another fun year doing
the September VHF contest. On top of that, it was combeind with
SOTA activation and I made multiple contacts over
100 miles!
K7MDL/R   [photo/doc]  
Ad-hoc 4 Grid Rove.  Just used the IC-706 and daily driver loop antennas on the truck. Headed to
town for an errand, kept on going to Green Mtn at 3,000ft in CN98.  Routed home in CN88 via CN97 and
CN87 to add some grids.  The forest road was recently brush cut so had lots of limbs down on the
road sides but enough people had come through the road this summer to clear it out for a relatively
decent trip up compared to the recent past years.
Nice opening to the SW Saturday afternoon on 6m, otherwise 6m pretty much dead at my northern Idaho
QTH. But it is the September VHF contest, not June.  Still fun as always.
This was a fun contest.
K8GP   [photo/doc]  
Our line up was a 5L and a 7L beam on 50 MHz, 4x FO12's + a single FO12 on 144 MHz. 222 MHz had 4x
FO12's and 432 MHz had 4x FO25's. All the H frames had full AZ/EL but we only made EME contacts on
222 MHz. All amps were 1KW SSPA's except 432 MHz which was 500W. 144 MHz showed good conditions from
the start and Ty K3MM milked it as much as possible. We were just too far north and east to get the
good tropo the W4IY group got and folks to the south. We lost our main 144 MHz transverter and had
to resort to using the internal 144 MHz transverter in a K3 (marginal at best!!). Next we lost a 432
MHz transverter and the replacement failed after about an hour we were able to get it going again.
No contest is complete without Mr. Murphy !!!

Despite our best efforts of sticking to SSB/CW, we all reverted to FT8 since that's where the action
was. We tried telling stations to QSY using TX5 message "CALL FREQUENCY" but had very limited
success and our 222 and 432 scores show that. FT8 is so slow and during the opening our 144 MHz op
was too busy being called by 4 and 5 station at a time, he didn't have chance to use this method, so
we missed a lot on the upper bands. As a group, the VHF community has to figure out a way to move
people or folks will just start abandoning those bands.

More station pictures, weather, tropo and PSKreporter maps here:


Drone video here:


Ran some stats on best DX as follows - last column is approximate miles

Best 5 DX on 50

50 DG 2021-09-12 0304 K8GP FM09   K5QE              EM31  984
50 DG 2021-09-12 1558 K8GP FM09   VE1PZ             FN85  947
50 DG 2021-09-11 2015 K8GP FM09   KD8GBL            EN35  853
50 DG 2021-09-12 0443 K8GP FM09   W0UC              EN44  731
50 DG 2021-09-13 0044 K8GP FM09   AB0RX             EM47  689

Best 5 DX on 144

144 DG 2021-09-12 1356 K8GP FM09   W5LUA             EM13  1115
144 DG 2021-09-12 1346 K8GP FM09   AA5AM             EM13  1115
144 DG 2021-09-12 1308 K8GP FM09   WQ5S              EM13  1115
144 DG 2021-09-12 1221 K8GP FM09   NE5BO             EM35  843
144 DG 2021-09-13 0242 K8GP FM09   KI0HA             EM37  800

Best 5 DX on 222

222 DG 2021-09-12 1502 K8GP FM09   W5LUA             EM13  1115
222 DG 2021-09-11 2244 K8GP FM09   N0AKC             EN44  731
222 DG 2021-09-12 0320 K8GP FM09   N4SVC             EM80  664
222 PH 2021-09-12 0102 K8GP FM09   K1WHS             FN43  513
222 DG 2021-09-12 1243 K8GP FM09   WA1T              FN43  513

Best 5 DX on 432

432 DG 2021-09-12 0302 K8GP FM09   N4SVC             EM80  664
432 DG 2021-09-13 0027 K8GP FM09   KA9UVY            EM58  563
432 DG 2021-09-12 1220 K8GP FM09   K1KG              FN42  482
432 CW 2021-09-12 1709 K8GP FM09   K1TR              FN42  482
432 DG 2021-09-12 1251 K8GP FM09   KE1LI             FN41  460


andyz - K1RA @ K8GP (50 MHz op)
Fun contest the best september contest in menny years. Thanks 73 Matt ka0pqw
6m, 2m bands only; dry, very dry
Another fun time. Ty
This is my first solo contest ever under my own call sign, so i am not
sure if i have done the log correctly. I had a great time though.
11 element beam on tripod on a 500ft overlook, 10 watts. West Duluth
Working four other Rovers really helps.
Fun to work K0AWU in EN37ed from EN33xw at 236 miles in Rover Mobile
on SSB using Home Made WA5VJB Cheap Yagi design extended to ten
elements and 60 watt DEMI transverter. What a Hoot !
5W QRP 2 wire antennas
I found out about the contest late Saturday Evening (during a simplex net). It was my first attempt
at contesting as a fairly new HAM.  Even though I only operated for a limited time, I had great fun
and really appreciate the time taken to organize these events.  I will be sure to pay more attention
to the contest schedule! Thanks and 73!
KC6ARY   [photo/doc]  
Not a joke: A SOTA club, a repeater system with mostly technician members on handhelds and a Yacht
Club radio group walk into a VHF contest, from the mountains to the sea - QSOs, but the boats can't
get points. This contest needs a category of /MM for boats that can't stay inside 500m circle, but
don't cross a grid line to become /R.
This is my first time ever participating in any type of contest.
KD6EFQ/R was schedule constrained for the event but activated two
grids from moderate elevation sites.  Ambitious route plans canceled
because USDA closed entire Cleveland National Forest including several
highways in southern California.
Live reports on confirmed limited or no access with rangers enforcing
rules preventing stops along roads and camps sites eliminating access.
SOTA efforts that had been planned, were cancelled and reports that
LiFePO or PbSO4 batteries often used with portable radio operation
were prohibited outside of vehicles and on trails.
Reports from other rover stations attempting to access mountain roads
indicated the ranger patrols were present and issuing citations.
VHF seemed to have variable propagation along the California coast
from Ventura County to central San Diego County.
KC6ARY and KD6EFQ/R sustained casual QSO on HT with OEM duck Saturday
DM12kw to DM04pb on 446 FM which was fun and unexpectedly clear.
QSO was also achieved with new station: KN6PON on 446 FM phone.
KD6EFQ/R used a laptop with WSJTX for FT8 mode on 50.315 MHz during an
Es opening on Sunday evening, successful QSOs to NM, TX and MX stations.
Great fun and useful outcomes for amateur radio operator experience
on VHF without using repeaters or links.
First time entering this contest. Could not devote as much time and
equipment as I would have liked but enjoyed the contest just the same.
Hope I tallied the score correctly.
I think I figured the claim score correctly based on my understanding of the rules...
new shack new computer had some issues but worked thru them eventually. worked all the way out to
texas on 2m and had a blast during the tropo opening. ran the ic9700 and beko amp conservatively to
my single M2 12 el at 100ft.
Glad I didn't give up early - got east and west cost in the log!!
KG6BXW/R   [photo/doc]  
Not a lot of folks out there for this contest which was a shame, I had just set up beams for 6m, 2m,
and 440 and was excited to really try them out. Hopefully next time there will be more people! Made
a contact with a SOTA operator and an operator on Mt. Diablo on 2m FM which was exciting.
KG7KMV   [photo/doc]  
My first ARL VHF contest. I did it from a SOTA summit at 7500 feet, camping nearby. Would like to do
it again, I had a good time and enjoyed participating with local hams!
Sweet mini-opening on six Sat evening.
The contest started off a bit on the slow side Saturday and
mostly on FT8.  Without much to speak of for band openings
and hearing little activity outside of FT8, it really seemed
like it could be a boring contest.

Ended up getting home late Saturday to grab a few hours sleep
holding out hope for a better Sunday.  Woke up later than I
would have liked and wondered into the shack to check on
the propagation maps.  Bright red covering the grid corner
I had planned on heading to and everything south from TX
to the east coast.  With that, I headed off to a spot closer
to home to take advantage of the bands while I could in case
the conditions burned off like they tend to do in the morning.

As it turns out the bands would hold strong well into the
afternoon and I had a blast chasing the various stations
throughout the south.  The one that stands out, as I'm sure
is true for many folks, was AA4ZZ.  Just wow...

Sat:  EN41 EN40 EN51 EN50
Sun:  EM58 EM59 EM49 EM48

Flex 6600 / Q5 Signal 5BVUX
50 - 100w - Par Moxon @ 12'
144 - 25w - Directive Systems  6el Rover Yagi @ 10'
222 - 25w - Directive Systems 10el Rover Yagi @ 8'
432 - 25w - Directive Systems 15el Rover Yagi @ 6'

Thanks to everyone for the Qs
No activtiy on CW or SSB.
The listed power was not correct. 100w or less was 144 and 50mhz, 50w on 440mhz and 10W were used on
902 and 1.2ghz.
Icom IC-746 with 6m stressed Moxon and 2m 4-element Cubic Quad
antennas at 24 feet for SSB and digital FT8 (but made no SSB
contacts.) TYT TH-9800 with dual band 2m/440 mag mount antenna
clamped to gutter on roof and Baofeng dual band 2m/440 HT with
rubber ducky antenna for FM. Propogation was very poor with very
few stations heard outside immediate area and only completed QSOs
with a few of those. Other stations that I could hear seemed to
have the same luck.
Fourlanders Contest Team
My second rove ever and I score six time more points this time than last.
Dont get too excited.  Last time I was solo driving a 24ft U-Haul towing a car trailer and had 36
points from an 5W HT and rubber duck.  This time the XYL drove and I had a huge 42" whip on the roof
rack and scored 195 with the same 5W HT. 

This was FUN.  After decorating graves in rural SE Kansas we headed west and made a pair of 2m FM
contacts near Wichita. Then North to Salina for a 2m & 70cm contact with KS0FD.  East across the
GEORGOUS Flint Hills where WQ0P worked me over two grids on two bands as we cresting hill tops (it
is the FLINT HILLS after all, not flat). 100+ miles on the second pair of WQ0P contacts.  Usually I
do the FM heavy lift, nice to be on the other end of the favor.  We spent the night in Kansas City
where I begged for contacts and made a pair of 2m contacts and a 70cm contact.  

Sunday we drove from KC to Lexington KY.  We crossed 10 more grids calling CQ and got NO REPLIES.  I
worked lots of repeaters asking for simplex attempts but had no takers.

Kansas Rocks. (Rock Chalk Jay Hawk KU!!)

A fun couple days on the road.

KM4KMU (/R on occassion).
Didn't get as many QSO's as June VHF contest because couldn't go out
to a high location. But still got some good contacts from home. Thanks
for the contacts.
Casual operating just for fun.
I wish more ops would venture away from FT8.
This was my first real attempt as a Rover with more than 2 grids. Started o
ff in DM12 at the La Jolla Glider Port, was happy with the activity down th
ere but ran into a problem on 6 meters - high SWR - could not sort it out i
n the field so no 6m from DM12. Luckily was heading past my house at the ne
xt stop. Took a detour to home and replaced the whole coax run to my 6 mete
r Moxon - problem solved.  Learned later it was the bandpass filter - it we
nt bad when power was applied. After a lunch break headed up the hill to Co
astal Peak Park in DM13 and spent the rest of Saturday there. Good activity
and started to fill the log.

Sunday saw DM03 at Signal Hill for a nice start to the day with a good numb
er of contacts. First trip to DM04 and DM14 afterwards.  Both the afternoon
grids were OK but I definitely need to scout for some better spots for t
he next attempt.

Finally came back to DM13 to finish out the contest picking up some new con
tacts that were not around on Saturday as well as a nice opening on 6m at t
he very end for some Texas and Oklahoma contacts.  All in all a fun weekend
Fun to work everyone.  We even had a nice little opening to CA
and AZ on Saturday evening.  HIgh point was working VE7REM/R in
CO80 for a new grid.
Working four other Rovers really helps.
N0JK   [photo/doc]  
Interesting contest. Some sporadic-E early Saturday afternoon to FM03 and
FM14 ON 6 Meters. MSK144 Meteor scatter good Sunday morning on 6 Meters with WY7DT and N0AN over +10
dB on many long meteor bursts. A brief sporadic-E opening on 6 to Florida Sunday afternoon.

Tropo finally made it to Jayhawk Land in northeast Kansas Sunday evening at dusk with W4 stations
appearing on 2 Meters. AA4ZZ EM96 worked on 144.206 MHz
SSB at 0111z with solid signals. W4IY FM08 in for over an hour on FT8 up to -1 dB. 6 Meter antenna 2
el yagi, 2 Meters 7 element M2 yagi.
Not much of a setup for a contest, so I did what I could!
N0LD/R   [photo/doc]  
This was a fun contest!  Harvey and I wanted to operate in a non-grid square centric fashion - so we
did!  the 2m and 70cm qsos with AA4ZZ were the highlight!  But working Mexico on 2m from EM05 was
right up there!

Not our highest score but definitely one of the most fun VHF contests!

We operated with KB0YHT/R and WD5AGO/R on Sunday for some extra points.

Sad - N0LD had trouble with his HackRF after only 2 qsos.
Experimented with discone antenna.
Many new firsts in this contest!
Not a fan of digital modes.. FT-8, FT-4 etc they are ruining the normal contest originally ment for
Also completed 2 POTA activations during the contest!
For me, this was a different contest. In addition to family
activities, the 20th year Anniversary of 9-11 weighed heavily on
contesting time and thinking. (Not a political statement, but fact.)
With nice weather, most of the time, I was able to make most QSOs
outdoors on our deck and also take in the views of the Puget Sound
Cascade Mts. No great DX was worked on any band, but nice to work a
few Rovers and a couple of VE7s. This was the first time for me to
2 meter FT-8. 6 meters had a very high noise level at all times:
modern house electric systems Lots of CN87 guys on the air. Had
tough time with 33 & 23 cm with FM handhelds & VJB Cheapie Yagis this
time, but explored signal bounces off of many mountains.
September VHF is usually a slow Contest here in the PNW. Thanks to the Rover and SOTA stations
who add to this event.
WOW! OH to TX on 432!
For weak signal VHF work, FT-8 is a low noise preamp built with software. It is a delight to log a
station that is more than 20dB in the noise.
NE3R   [photo/doc]  
Almost forgot about the contest, busy weekend but heard someone calling on 146.52 and was suddenly
reminded.  Still having a lot to do I wasn't able to sit at the radio all day, but figured I could
let WSJT-X do some of the work and make a few more phone QSOs as well.  Even made my first SSB 23CM
QSO, and first QSO other than my son and I testing out the IC-9700 with the Alicino DJ-G7
Copied W4IY correctly but typed in wrong digit on the grid section. Now corrected.
Radio issues prevent a full op.  GOt one SSB contact Sat night local while testing a borrowed radio.
  only got 1 hour in on Sunday with NO ssb signals had to pull in FT8
This was a CW-only operation.  I choose not to make any digital contacts.  ARRL should consider
scoring Digital modes as a separate contest.
Limited to one day, I went out portable to an in-town, drive up - Mt. Tolmie. First time I had a
stack of three antennas on the drive-on mast. Was impressive with three runs of RG-8x and all
antennas aligned for once. 222 was still a mag mount and I had to plonk it on the car side to help
with horz. pol for one contact. Good fun. Thanks to the Puget Sound folks for pointing my way and
then running the lower bands.
Really enjoyed working stations on 2304 and 3456 this contest. Unfortunately 1296 was dead on
receive so nixed operating there this time. Propagation was spotty here with some brief openings,
but it was the rovers that saved my bacon, being able to run the bands. Thanks to KF2MR/R for 4
grids on 2304 and 3456, VE3OIL/R, NF2RS/R, VE3CRU/R, VE3SMA/R and the well equipped guys like VE3ZV
for band sweeps.  Glad to pick up W4IY on 222 as well! Be back with 1296, 5.7 and 10G in January!
These VHF contests have almost hit rock bottom for SSB and CW in the less
populated areas compared to the 80s 90s and early 2000s before all this digital
stuff took over. 
We operated RADIOS, (no computers required) as we would in any emergency
situations, just as we actually did in the  "100 year Flood" in 2004
and the big power outage in 2003.
After hearing NOTHING for the first 2 hours, I went DIGITAL, CNN  HDTV, but did
leave the receiver running and heard 3 stations, VE3ZV,EN92, VE3SMA, FN03, and
VE2ZAZ, FN25. That was all I heard, only 3 stations Saturday and Sunday, except
for a couple 'locals'.

Its time to separate the skill-less digital modes, a mode where a 9 year old
could be instructed to watch the screen and operate the mouse to 'click here' 
when something pops up on the screen to 'work' a station and NEVER touch a

Compare that to a 'real radio' operator that has to tune a radio across the
band, pick out the call,the exchange info then move up the band and find another
station, maybe a DX ham with a heavy non english accent, work the station and
log it.
All done without the assistance of a computer.
 That is where an amateurs skill comes into play.
Maybe the ARRL should create a seperate digital division.. 
Maybe the ACRL, Amateur Computer Relay League.
ve3iqz FN04
BAND           QSOs              MULTS

50             44                17
144            80                19
222            35                11
432            45                12
902            25                9
1.2G           23                9
2.3G           15                8
3.4G           5                 4
5.7G           7                 6
10G            8                 4
24G            2                 2
123G           6                 6
LIGHT          6                 6
My transmitted mode is shown for cross-mode contacts
Log contains 3 duplicate QSOs
Equipment -
50 MHz K2+xvtr+amp 50W or FT-818 6W, dipole/mobile vert.
144 MHz K2+xvtr+amp 100W or FT-818 6W, 5 el. Yagi/dipole/mobile vert.
432 MHz FT-818 6W, 11 el. Yagi/dipole
903 MHz K2+rx conv., homebrew tx, 5W, 7 el.
10 GHz K2 + internal 2M xvtr + DB6NT xvtr 1.5W, 2 ft. dish
I had a lot of fun trying this contest. I got a new FTdx-10 to
try on 6. I spent more time configuring then operating.
No Digital Used
No digital.
W4IY   [photo/doc]  
We had 12 people full time to help set up, operate and tear down.
That's a first for WWI. This contest, we set up two AB-577s with
2 through 1296 on one 'launcher' and 6M + 2M/450 FM on the other.
We tried to operate as much USB/CW as we could, but FT8 carried
the day. In fact, FT8 was phenominal on 2M. We worked EL09 and
EL00 in TX. For some strange reason, we actually did better on 2M
FT8 than 6M FT8. Near the end of the contest, somebody suggested
moving to 222 and 432 FT8, which we did. That netted a few more
long distance grid squares. We had rain on the first night
and sun for the better part of the week. However, Saturday and
Sunday we had a lot of wind. We lost a mess tent and almost lost
our dining tent. Thanks for all the Q's!
More activity above 2m, and some decnt 6m prop!!
far more grid squares on 2m than 6m, decent 1.25m activity were the highlights of the weekend.
W5YD   [photo/doc]  
Operated battery/solar portable from the top of "Little Mountain" Mississippi from about 8am to
noon. Set up a yagi on a push-up pole and a tripod.
Bands were open.  Real CW/SSB signals rather than FT8.  No time
available for more QSO's.  Dipole on 6m..  2m halo at 16 feet doesn't
perform like nine element quagi but maybe next year, if there is a
"next year."
Once again I enjoyed operating in this contest. Over the years the contest has shifted to almost all
FT-8. I was amazed at how far my QRP 2 meter signal can travel with just a simple dipole at 5
stories up. Being on the northeast corner of my building I easily made contact with Ct, Ma, Ri & NH
with just 6 watts of power. Like they say, height is might...Also had help from the N1MM logger
program. 73 Dan
six meters was open Sunday evening during the contest in LA
May as well be called an FT-8 Contest.
Really bad band conditions for my locale.
Once again, minimal stations on CW/SSB, which makes for a lot of long dry spells with no activity.
The new digital modes have made this contest a non starter for traditional modes. I believe it is
time to offer some new digital only mode events and restrict the traditional VHF/UHF contests to
CW/SSB/FM modes. 73, Rich WA5LFD
WB2AMU   [photo/doc]  
Conditions were generally poor, especially in comparison to the
September 2020 event.  I did do well on 220 FM with 8 contacts and
three grids, including a fun QSO with K1KG in FN42!
Not sure I got the Claim Score correct - trying to follow the rules and multipliers.   1 point for
each person and then add point for each unique grid
Very difficult wrking cross polorization and low power.
Very pleased to have tropo to the east on Sunday.  Worked into N.C. and VA on 144, 222, and 432. 
Very little SSB or CW, I did not spend much time there, but when I did I heard the same two or three
stations.  FT8 is a GREAT mode for weak signal DX work, but it does remove alot of the fun of the
contests.  I would love to see changes to the rules to promote SSB/CW operations.  A digital only
contest would be a great addition to the contests we already have.  I had fun due to the opening,
but I was still amazed at how few stations were on.  Until next time. 73