Call UsedCategorySchool/Club NameParticipants
W7FBSSchool Club - Senior HighForrest Bird Charter School Amateur Radio Club26
Primary Operator/Sponsor
W7FBSIDMark Webber
ScoreCW/RTTY/Dig QsPhone QsUSVEDXClubsSchools

This was our first time using HamDash. The students really enjoyed watching the results in real-time on HamDash. I recommend all advisors consider linking their log book to HamDash next time. It made the competition for the students more exciting as they raced to catch up to other schools in the competition. Also, we stood in awe at the massive amount of points the lead schools made. Lead schools, please share your strategies.

W7FBS operated on a student/teacher created homebrew center-fed dipole that tuned 2, 10, 15, and 20 meters. We operated a Yaesu FT-991A at 100 Watts. We were old school. We listened through the built-in radio speaker, spoke through the standard hand mic that came with the radio, and operated on SSB all the way.