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Soapbox for 2023
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The student at Parkridge Elementary in Corona California had an amazing experience participating in
February's School Club Roundup using our school call sign AD6PT. We had a total of nine operators;
eight sixth-graders and one fourth-grader. We had visitors from our district office and our school
board. The kids were saddened when we had to officially close down the station on Friday. The
biggest highlight came a week later when AD6PT received its first QSL card! The operator during the
QSO was thanked by name and got to take the QSL card home (after pictures, of course).
I had so much fun! Great band conditions! I am 15 yrs old. Can't wait to operate next time! I really
liked operating under the club callsign. We are a club that serves West Tennessee, West Kentucky and
Southeastern Missouri.
KA5LMS   [photo/doc]  
This was our second contest in the first year of our club. Several of our students came in during
their lunch time to operate the station and make contacts. Our first two contests have generated
enough interest that several of our students are now interested in getting the Technician license
and we will be starting a class soon.
this was extremely fun to run. had a great time, it nice see all the new school on the air.
KJ7YOZ   [photo/doc]  
Included are a couple pictures of our antenna setup and students working the radio. We used 2, 8
foot ladders with 20 foot painter poles as the antenna mast.  We raised our student made 10 meter
center fed dipole which tuned on both 10 and 20 meters. We setup the antenna each morning and took
it down each evening after school. We used a 20 Meter slopper antenna off the same mast when it was
working, and a separate 2 meter antenna the kids made for local contacts when the bands closed down
on us.

The radio shack picture taken is of two members of our newly created amateur radio club.  The one in
the foreground won the schools most QSO contest. The student behind him has his technician license
and will probably test for general soon. One of our amazing Elmers is in the background, KE4EW; he
helped setup up the antenna each morning.  

The room is the high school conference room which was loaned to the club for the week of School Club
Roundup, and the feed line for the antenna was fished out the window and raised above the door with
old volley ball net masts.   Our new slogan might just be, ??Whatever works!?

Overall, we had a great time, and this "contest" was a great way to generate interest in amateur

We also had no idea how to run the computer program. I set it up turned it on and walked out of the
room hours before the radio was in use and we never logged it off while students were not using the
radio, so it looks like our hours are probably off or out of the 6 hour window. Hopefully, some
grace can happen here. Sorry.

Mark Webber 
We are in the first year of offering an amateur radio class as an elective. This was our first
contest. We also made our first DX contact in this contest by reaching Japan on 10 meters!
This was our first SCR being able to work all five days, and they kids had a blast!
Club Vanity Callsign issued Feb 2023 (just in time). 
Equipment: Yaesu FT-991a, Par EndFedz EFHW. Thanks to the ARRL ETP Station Grant. 
Students: Jewelie (4th), Landon (4th), River (4th), Gunnar(4th), Francis (5th), Katelyn (6th),
Allyssa (6th). 
Teachers: Rich, Lori (K4LFS), Michael (KF4W). 
W4CAE Helpers: Jim (W4JLP), Garry (K4HGA).
Our club is in a public middle school in downtown Aiken SC. During the previous 2.5 years, the
school club has not been active due to COVID. That left us starting with new 7th and 8th grade
students with no HAM radio experience. We now have six 7th grade students. They all are very sharp
and picked up SCR very quickly. 

One of our students, Carleigh worked her grandfather and telling him she wanted a QSL card. The next
day he delivered her very first QSL card. Like many during this roundup, our school district
declared Friday as a no school day, so we only operated after school for 4 days instead of the usual
W1KBN is back and contesting with some newly licensed Hams! Garrett KC1QYH, Jonah KF0INO, and Sergi
KC1SKK all took shifts for this Spring SCR and expect to be taking part in more contests to come so
be on the lookout!

73s from all at W1KBN
This was our best score in at least nine years. It was great to have both experienced seniors and
inexperienced 9th-11th graders operating each day. 

On Friday afternoon, Dan (KD2ZEN) ran such a pile up, it was difficult to keep up with the logging.
We are just learning about JS8 so that was new to use this contest. Had difficult getting through
some pileups on 20 meters phone but we had more QSOs and more school clubs contacted compared to
Oct. 2022. Can't wait for October '23!
Great to hear more stations this year, and many thanks to the hams that are encouraging these young
folks to participate!
Nice to work so many schools and to see the next generation on the air - thanks to all who
participated and 73, W9TCV
Thanks for the QSOs everyone!