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Show Operators Show Club
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Rank | Category | Call Sign | QTH | Year | Score | QSOs | Mults | Hours | Operators | Club | 160 | 80 | 40 | 20 | 15 | 10 |
1 | MSHP | K3PH | EPA | 2016 | 3,249,900 | 2,367 | 460 | K3PH W3MF | Frankford Radio Club | 41/31 | 80/49 | 460/101 | 812/104 | 803/110 | 171/65 | |
2 | MSHP | W3DQ | MDC | 2016 | 1,165,944 | 1,336 | 296 | W2CDO W3DQ | Potomac Valley Radio Club | 8/6 | 18/17 | 196/64 | 534/90 | 529/91 | 51/28 | |
3 | MSHP | K3OQ | MDC | 2016 | 474,978 | 620 | 263 | K0OO K3OQ KC3BXK W3RFC WA3OFF | Potomac Valley Radio Club | 17/13 | 21/18 | 79/45 | 187/71 | 252/77 | 64/39 | |
4 | MSHP | W3MF | EPA | 2016 | 1,323 | 21 | 21 | K3PH W3MF | Frankford Radio Club | 3/3 | 3/3 | 5/5 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 3/3 |
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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.