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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-CW-LP  EA8CN EA8 2011 618,552 1,090 142 25.0 
SO-CW-LP  5C5W CN 2011 375,664 892 106 16.0  CN8KD
SO-CW-LP  5X1NH 5X 2011 369,528 1,052 89 15.0 
SO-CW-LP  V51YJ V5 2011 361,128 745 123 24.0 
SO-CW-LP  V5/DJ4SO V5 2011 299,172 708 107 11.0 
SO-CW-LP  EA8DA EA8 2011 188,256 451 106 17.0 
SO-CW-LP  EA8AVK EA8 2011 167,772 455 93 10.0 
SO-CW-LP  EA8NQ EA8 2011 33,060 146 57 7.0 
SO-CW-LP  CN8YR CN 2011 13,200 78 44 2.0 
10  SO-CW-LP  ZS1JY ZS 2011 12,848 73 44 5.0 
11  SO-CW-LP  J28RO J2 2011 9,112 68 34 1.0  F5IRO

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.