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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub160 80 40 20 15 10
MSLP  KC2RA NLI 2014 56,160 351 80 14.0  K2USH KC2GOW NV2L   8   77   120   118   27   1
MSLP  N2GC NLI 2014 55,680 348 80 11.0  KD2EZL KD2FIX N2GC Yankee Clipper Contest Club      235   53   18   27   15
MSLP  KC2UBI NNJ 2014 50,076 321 78 18.0  KC2UBI KC2UBJ KC2ZLN KD2BSP NA1C      77   96   92   28   28
MSLP  N2POS ENY 2014 42,476 287 74 18.0  N2PEN N2POS W2BK      131      60   38   58
MSLP  K2OAK NNJ 2014 30,660 210 73 18.0  WO2U WV2ZOW      50   59   28   37   36
MSLP  W2EF NNJ 2014 10,656 111 48 7.0  K2AJV K2MLB K2NNN KC2WRQ KD2FSH N2NO WA2UEM West Essex ARC      34   26   38   13   
MSLP  K3YT ENY 2014 9,408 98 48 4.0  K3YT W7BYK            85   12   1
MSLP  KC2OSR NNJ 2014 7,056 84 42 9.0  New Providence ARC            11   73   

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.