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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSHP  K0DU CO 2011 2,084,064 2,645 272 30.0  K0CL K0DU K0UK Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado
MSHP  N0VD CO 2011 763,848 1,377 206 16.0  Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado
MSHP  N0KE CO 2011 678,912 1,141 204 22.0  Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado
MSHP  W0MU CO 2011 272,448 532 129 11.0  Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado
MSHP  WY7SS WY 2011 259,408 813 124 14.0  WY7FD WY7KRA
MSHP  K7EY UT 2011 11,152 82 41 5.0  Utah DX Association
MSHP  KD0FKO CO 2011 9,108 86 46 6.0 
MSHP  WR7Q UT 2011 8,800 57 50 6.0  Utah DX Association
MSHP  WV7P UT 2011 1,612 31 26 1.0  Utah DX Association
10  MSHP  K0UK CO 2011 210 11 5 1.0  Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.