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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SO-MIX-HP  VE3KZ GH 2012 446,708 825 181 24.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-MIX-HP  VY2TT MAR 2012 407,550 779 165 16.0  K6LA
SO-MIX-HP  VE5UF SK 2012 160,888 445 91 11.0  Saskatchewan Contest Club
SO-MIX-HP  VE3CX ONN 2012 131,516 376 98 10.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-MIX-HP  VE4VT MB 2012 33,744 141 76 6.0 
SO-MIX-HP  VE1JS MAR 2012 17,812 100 61 5.0  Maritime Contest Club
SO-MIX-HP  VA5LF SK 2012 12,150 80 45 4.0  Saskatchewan Contest Club
SO-MIX-HP  VE3JM ONE 2012 5,984 47 34 1.0  Contest Club Ontario
SO-MIX-HP  VE3AAQ ONE 2012 1,680 28 20 1.0  East Coast Canada Contest Club

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.