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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
MSLP  W3ZGD EPA 2012 165,792 430 132 21.0  K3JAW K3JPT K3MSB K3NK K4JLD KO3T N3XUD WA1HEW Hilltop Transmitting Assn
MSLP  W2MF SNJ 2012 86,304 250 116 12.0  CT1GIF KA2VJI W2MF
MSLP  W3KX MDC 2012 77,824 258 76 18.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSLP  K3WI MDC 2012 48,024 211 58 10.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSLP  W4EE MDC 2012 36,540 158 70 12.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSLP  K2DB NNY 2012 24,064 131 47 7.0  Rochester (NY) DX Assn
MSLP  W3TM WPA 2012 13,608 128 54 10.0  Quad County Amateur Radio Club
MSLP  N3QE MDC 2012 7,280 65 28 5.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
MSLP  AD2TM WNY 2012 5,016 76 33 6.0 
10  MSLP  N3AFT MDC 2012 4,876 53 23 5.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
11  MSLP  KC2YEA WNY 2012 2,450 49 25 3.0 
12  MSLP  WF2V WNY 2012 1,900 34 19 3.0 
13  MSLP  W3SFG MDC 2012 1,118 22 13 1.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
14  MSLP  W3EF MDC 2012 1,064 20 14 1.0  Potomac Valley Radio Club
15  MSLP  KB3ZBA MDC 2012 600 24 15 3.0 
16  MSLP  W3VKD MDC 2012 216 10 6 1.0 
17  MSLP  K3FH WPA 2012 130 7 5 1.0 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.