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RankCategoryCall SignQTHYearScoreQSOsMultsHoursOperatorsClub
SOU-CW-LP  K7XC NV 2020 112,992 435 66 13.1  Northern California Contest Club
SOU-CW-LP  N7YK NV 2020 94,928 352 68 20.0 
SOU-CW-LP  W7ZR NV 2020 21,672 137 42 9.1 
SOU-CW-LP  KI6OY EB 2020 5,280 61 22 4.0  Northern California Contest Club
SOU-CW-LP  W7TR SV 2020 5,100 51 25 1.8  KH2TJ Northern California Contest Club
SOU-CW-LP  KD6WKY EB 2020 4,968 57 23 4.2  Northern California Contest Club
SOU-CW-LP  K6ST NV 2020 1,274 28 13 2.2  Northern California Contest Club
SOU-CW-LP  KG6MWI SCV 2020 64 8 2 1.0 
SOU-CW-LP  AG6JA SCV 2020 40 5 2 0.2 

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Scores in italics were received after the deadline and/or are not eligible for awards.